Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Take action today to tell your lawmaker to vote NO on HB 2827 – Homeschool Act!
Calling all fellow Illinoisans,
HB2827 is a terrible bill regarding homeschooling! If you aren’t familiar with it, please see this piece from the Illinois Family Institute:
- What Exactly is in the Homeschool Bill – HB 2827? | By Kathy Valente, 03.17.25
- Call / Email YOUR Illinois State Rep, or
- Complete a witness slip, or
- Drive to Springfield to attend Wednesday 8:00 am committee meeting
Here is another great link to the Illinois Christian Home Educators website on how to take action.
If you have additional questions, reach out to us at info@phyllisschlafly.com.
Kurt Prenzler
Executive Director
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles