Text: Backlash Against Common Core Common Core (CC) is the issue that is bringing out hundreds of citizens who never before attended political meetings. Common Core is the attempt of Barack Obama’s Department of Education to force all states … [Read more...] about Backlash Against Common Core — July 2013
The Phyllis Schlafly Report Archives - The 2010's
Gang of Eight Betrays Americans — June 2013
Text: Gang of Eight Betrays Americans The Gang of Eight immigration bill, S.744, can be summed up as amnesty now, border closing never. The Department of Homeland Security is not required to build a fence (which was ordered by the Secure Fence … [Read more...] about Gang of Eight Betrays Americans — June 2013
Boston Bombing Should Stop Rush to Amnesty — May 2013
Text: Boston Bombing Should Stop Rush to Amnesty The Boston Marathon Bombing, where 3 were killed and 264 wounded, many with legs or feet blown off, continues to be a big media story, but we are still waiting for answers to many questions. How … [Read more...] about Boston Bombing Should Stop Rush to Amnesty — May 2013
Amnesty = Suicide for Republican Party — April 2013
Text: Amnesty = Suicide for Republican Party Republicans are getting a lot of unsolicited advice about how to recover from last year’s defeat, and most of it is either ignorant or coming from people who don’t have Republican Party victories in … [Read more...] about Amnesty = Suicide for Republican Party — April 2013
Who Is Waging War On Women? — March 2013
Text: Who Is Waging War On Women? The real war against women is the announced plan of the Obama Administration, using outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta as the fall guy, to assign women for the first time in American history to fight … [Read more...] about Who Is Waging War On Women? — March 2013
Some of Obama’s Defense Policy Mistakes — February 2013
Text: Some of Obama’s Defense Policy Mistakes Sending Women into Combat In a newsworthy act of political cowardice, Barack Obama’s Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta ran through the Pentagon’s exit door as he announced he is striking down the … [Read more...] about Some of Obama’s Defense Policy Mistakes — February 2013
New Obama Initiatives to Watch Out For — January 2013
Text: New Obama Initiatives to Watch Out For North Korea Gives Us a Wakeup Call It should have been a loud wakeup call in December when North Korea successfully launched a three-stage rocket delivering a payload in orbit around the globe. This … [Read more...] about New Obama Initiatives to Watch Out For — January 2013
Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders — December 2012
Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders Political Parties Need Rebranding & New Leadership Dozens of explanations have been offered by people who think they are savvy about politics to explain why Mitt Romney lost and Barack Obama was … [Read more...] about Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders — December 2012
Beware of the Lame Duck Session — November 2012
Beware of the Lame Duck Session The current Congress hasn’t finished its mischief. It still has the opportunity to do bad things in the upcoming Lame Duck session, a period when members of Congress who are already defeated will have the opportunity … [Read more...] about Beware of the Lame Duck Session — November 2012
Some Issues in the 2012 Election — October 2012
Some Issues in the 2012 Election On October 31, 2008, Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States.” It’s now clear that his goal is not merely to “spread the wealth around,” as he told Joe the Plumber. … [Read more...] about Some Issues in the 2012 Election — October 2012