Text: Unmasking the Imperial Presidency “Imperial Presidency” perfectly describes what the Obama Administration has become as it increasingly violates the limits on its power defined by the U.S. Constitution. Criticisms of how President Obama … [Read more...] about Unmasking the Imperial Presidency — May 2014
The Phyllis Schlafly Report Archives - The 2010's
What College Tuition Is Paying For — April 2014
Text: What College Tuition Is Paying For Confronting Campus Radicals David Horowitz thinks that anybody who cares about the future of America should confront the fact that U.S. colleges and universities are the fountainhead of financing for … [Read more...] about What College Tuition Is Paying For — April 2014
Obama Core Is Another Power Grab — March 2014
Text: Obama Core Is Another Power Grab Americans were shocked at the dictatorial grab for power when Barack Obama threatened to change any law with his pen or phone, and even used that power to personally alter Obamacare and the Welfare law, … [Read more...] about Obama Core Is Another Power Grab — March 2014
Obama’s Pen vs. the Constitution — February 2014
Text: Obama’s Pen vs. the Constitution Barack Obama has revealed that he unilaterally plans to use executive orders to “bypass” Congress. His shocking words were: “We are not just going to be waiting for legislation. . . . I’ve got a pen and … [Read more...] about Obama’s Pen vs. the Constitution — February 2014
Obama Betrays U.S. Military Superiority — January 2014
Text: Obama Betrays U.S. Military Superiority The takeover of Fallujah by Al Qaeda wipes out our costly 2004 victory when we captured Fallujah at the cost of 100 Marines and soldiers killed in action and hundreds more wounded. Fallujah isn’t … [Read more...] about Obama Betrays U.S. Military Superiority — January 2014
War on ‘Free Exercise’ of Religion — December 2013
Text: War on ‘Free Exercise’ of Religion Americans who believe in God had better wake up and realize that a well-orchestrated campaign is moving to fundamentally transform the United States into a scrupulously secular nation. If this succeeds, … [Read more...] about War on ‘Free Exercise’ of Religion — December 2013
Does the Republican Party Have a Future? — November 2013
Text: Does the Republican Party Have a Future? Most Americans believe that the United States of America is an exceptional country. The “borders test” proves that people are coming to America, not fleeing from America to exit to other … [Read more...] about Does the Republican Party Have a Future? — November 2013
Who Disobeys the Law of the Land? — October 2013
Text: Who Disobeys the Law of the Land? The Democrats are chanting that Republicans must fully fund Obamacare because it is the law of the land, passed by Congress, signed by the President, and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Therefore, they … [Read more...] about Who Disobeys the Law of the Land? — October 2013
Mischief-Making about the Constitution — September 2013
Text: Mischief-Making about the Constitution Attacks on the U.S. Constitution are coming from all sides. There are many pressure groups that just don’t like our U.S. Constitution, even though it is the longest lasting Constitution in history … [Read more...] about Mischief-Making about the Constitution — September 2013
‘Jaw-Dropping Judicial Supremacy’ — August 2013
Text: ‘Jaw-Dropping Judicial Supremacy’ In the landmark marriage decision in June 2013, the Supreme Court didn’t make same-sex marriage a constitutional right as the liberal media had hoped. But the Court did give the homosexuals what many … [Read more...] about ‘Jaw-Dropping Judicial Supremacy’ — August 2013