New Year's Resolutions for State Legislators The biggest news of 2010 was the gain of 690 state legislative seats by Republicans and their capture of both State Houses in 26 states. Here are some New Year's Resolutions for laws they should consider … [Read more...] about New Year’s Resolutions for State Legislators — January 2011
The Phyllis Schlafly Report Archives - The 2010's
What’s Happened to Public School Curriculum? — November 2010
The most widely used history textbook in U.S. public schools is A People's History of the United States by the late Howard Zinn. It has sold a million and a half copies since it was published in 1980. It is required reading in many high schools and … [Read more...] about What’s Happened to Public School Curriculum? — November 2010
Questions for Congressional Candidates — October 2010
We look forward to the 2010 elections in the hope that we can decisively reject Barack Obama's plans to "fundamentally transform the United States." Here are some questions voters can ask all candidates to help decide whom to vote for. Will you … [Read more...] about Questions for Congressional Candidates — October 2010
Obama versus ‘We the People’ — September 2010
Americans were treated to welcome entertainment during the dog days of summer as we watched the Democrats wring their hands over Barack Obama's tone deafness about political reality. Their despair about Obama is so painful that they are even calling … [Read more...] about Obama versus ‘We the People’ — September 2010
The NEA’s Latest Shenanigans — August 2010
What does Diversity mean to you? Same-sex marriage? Building a giant mosque on the 9/11 spot in New York? Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court? To the largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), diversity means celebrating the … [Read more...] about The NEA’s Latest Shenanigans — August 2010
Important Issues for the 2010 Elections — July 2010
Obama Takes Illinois Mistakes Nationwide "Unsustainable" is a scary word that recently entered political discourse, coming authoritatively from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf. Unsustainability is the operative … [Read more...] about Important Issues for the 2010 Elections — July 2010
The Awesome Power of Family Courts — June 2010
The month of June when we observe Father's Day is a good time to review some of the injustices committed against fathers by family courts. Family courts routinely deprive divorced fathers not only of their own children, but even many constitutional … [Read more...] about The Awesome Power of Family Courts — June 2010
Fundamentally Transforming the United States — May 2010
America Becomes a Two-Class Society Income tax day, April 15, 2010, now divides Americans into two almost equal classes: those who pay for the services provided by government and those who don't. The percentage of Americans who will pay no federal … [Read more...] about Fundamentally Transforming the United States — May 2010
Prepare for More Problems with Judges — April 2010
Supreme Court Needs At Least One Veteran For as long as we can remember, the U.S. Supreme Court has included at least one military veteran. Recent examples include Republican-appointed Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who died in 2005, and Justice … [Read more...] about Prepare for More Problems with Judges — April 2010
Dangerous Projects in Public Schools — March 2010
Recruiting Kids for Obama's Agenda President Barack Obama's budget has added more than $100 billion of federal taxpayers' money to what is called "education," so that means it will be spent by alumni of the Saul Alinsky school of radical community … [Read more...] about Dangerous Projects in Public Schools — March 2010