Guest Workers Aren't Cheap; They're Expensive President Bush entered the White House in 2001 hoping he would be known in history books as the education president who improved public school standards with "No child left … [Read more...] about Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive — July 2006
The Phyllis Schlafly Report Archives - The 2000's
How to Stop the Tyranny of Judges — June 2006
How to Stop the Tyranny of Judges A revised and expanded edition of Phyllis Schlafly's book, The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How To Stop It was published this month by Spence Publishing Company and is available … [Read more...] about How to Stop the Tyranny of Judges — June 2006
Ripoff of American Workers and Taxpayers — May 2006
Ripoff of American Workers and Taxpayers The illegal aliens in this country carried out a massive boycott on May 1 to demonstrate they are so essential that the U.S. economy would shut down without their labor. On the … [Read more...] about Ripoff of American Workers and Taxpayers — May 2006
Radical Agendas on College Campuses — April 2006
Radical Agendas on College Campuses Assistant Education Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe has announced that the Bush Administration is investigating universities that have fewer women in science and math programs than feminists … [Read more...] about Radical Agendas on College Campuses — April 2006
Dangerous Holes in Border Security — March 2006
Dangerous Holes in Border Security Is a War Going on in Texas? If you don't have access to Texas newspapers or the internet, you may not have heard the sensational news about the enormous cache of weapons our government recently seized … [Read more...] about Dangerous Holes in Border Security — March 2006
The Feminists Continue Their War Against Men — February 2006
The Feminists Continue Their War Against Men Double Standards about Child Care When the feminist movement burst onto the American social scene in the 1970s, the rallying cry was “liberation.” The feminists demanded … [Read more...] about The Feminists Continue Their War Against Men — February 2006
Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral — January 2006
Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral President George W. Bush, Senators John McCain, Edward Kennedy, Arlen Specter and several others are promoting legislation to grant some kind of guest-worker/amnesty status to millions of … [Read more...] about Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral — January 2006
Judicial Supremacists Lash Out at Parents — December 2005
Judicial Supremacists Lash Out at Parents When Hillary Clinton proclaimed that it takes a village to raise a child, many people didn't realize that she was enunciating liberal dogma that the government should raise and … [Read more...] about Judicial Supremacists Lash Out at Parents — December 2005
American Citizenship Is Precious — November 2005
American Citizenship Is Precious Birthright Citizenship, Dual Citizenship and the Meaning of Sovereignty were the subjects of a House hearing on September 30 presided over by Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN). It is unfortunate that this important … [Read more...] about American Citizenship Is Precious — November 2005
Time to Defund Feminist Pork — the Hate-Men Law — October 2005
Time to Defund Feminist Pork - the Hate-Men Law If Congress is looking for a way to return to principles of limited government and reduced federal spending, or to help finance the expenses of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita … [Read more...] about Time to Defund Feminist Pork — the Hate-Men Law — October 2005