Prepare for the Big Issue in 2008 Ronald Reagan's amazing victories in 1980 and 1984 were based on a coalition of three groups: (1) traditional (Goldwater) conservatives, (2) the new pro-family movement motivated by social … [Read more...] about Prepare for the Big Issue in 2008 — May 2007
The Phyllis Schlafly Report Archives - The 2000's
What Colleges Teach — and Don’t Teach — April 2007
What Colleges Teach — and Don't Teach Education Secretary Margaret Spellings says that the Federal Government needs some accountability for the billions of dollars the taxpayers pour into university education. That's right, … [Read more...] about What Colleges Teach — and Don’t Teach — April 2007
ERA Enforced by the United Nations? — March 2007
ERA Enforced by the United Nations? Having failed in their effort to persuade Americans to put the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) into the U.S. Constitution, despite spending tens of millions of dollars and enjoying the … [Read more...] about ERA Enforced by the United Nations? — March 2007
Globalism: Enemy of the Middle Class — February 2007
Globalism: Enemy of the Middle Class The majority of countries in the world (e.g., Mexico) have two classes: the rulers who are very, very rich and the rest of the people who are very, very poor. The United States is … [Read more...] about Globalism: Enemy of the Middle Class — February 2007
Questions To Ask Presidential Candidates — January 2007
Questions To Ask Presidential Candidates The 2008 presidential campaign has begun. Candidates are already making appearances around the country, especially in early-primary and early-caucus states. Voters should evaluate … [Read more...] about Questions To Ask Presidential Candidates — January 2007
Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Who Defines American Culture? With all the public discussion about the values voters (whether they voted in the 2006 election or stayed home), the underlying question is, what is the role of government in defining our … [Read more...] about Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Scanning the News about North American Integration — November 2006
Scanning the News about North American Integration Rep. Virgil Goode (VA), Rep. Ron Paul (TX), Rep. Walter Jones (NC), and Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 487 — Expressing the sense of Congress that the United … [Read more...] about Scanning the News about North American Integration — November 2006
What Are Supremacist Judges Up to Now? — October 2006
What Are Supremacist Judges Up to Now? Battleground in Lower Federal Courts Each year the Supreme Court grants fewer and fewer petitions for "cert," or review. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg just told Mike Wallace on … [Read more...] about What Are Supremacist Judges Up to Now? — October 2006
Pursuing the ‘North American’ Agenda — September 2006
Pursuing the 'North American' Agenda The hottest issue at the grassroots is illegal immigration and what our government is not doing to stop it. The question most frequently heard is, Why doesn't the Bush Administration get it? Maybe the … [Read more...] about Pursuing the ‘North American’ Agenda — September 2006
Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools — August 2006
Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools The NEA Moves Farther Left Parents who wonder why the public schools teach so many things parents don't approve of need look no further than the official policies of the nation's … [Read more...] about Anti-Parent Policies in Public Schools — August 2006