The country's most powerful and influential union gathered in Minneapolis over the Fourth of July weekend and set off its own brand of fireworks. Some 8,544 delegates to the National Education Association's annual Convention approved its usual list … [Read more...] about The Extremist NEA Sets Off Fireworks Again
Search Results for: treaty
The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again — August 1995
The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again The people who control America's public schools gathered in Minneapolis over the Fourth of July weekend and set off their own brand of fireworks. Some 8,544 delegates to the National Education … [Read more...] about The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again — August 1995
SDI Should be Built Now
Thirty years ago in 1965, I was privileged to be escorted with a small group through NORAD, the great hole in a Colorado mountain where our government headquartered its systems designed to track any object that might attack our nation from the … [Read more...] about SDI Should be Built Now
Conference of the States Is Losing in the States — May 1995
Conference of the States Is Losing in the States The so-called Conference of the States (COS), which was originally planned to sail through state legislatures without controversy and even without hearings, and culminate in a media … [Read more...] about Conference of the States Is Losing in the States — May 1995
Persistent Efforts Toward World Government
The conspiracy-minded might say it was part of a globalist plot, but I'm sure it was just a coincidence. The same day that the Senate passed GATT and put the United States in a World Trade Organization, I received a form letter from Walter Cronkite … [Read more...] about Persistent Efforts Toward World Government
Questions to Ask Congressmen About GATT
The first post-election battle in Congress will take place at the end of this month on the legislation to approve GATT/WTO. Here are some questions the American people should ask their Senators and Congressmen. How can you vote on such an … [Read more...] about Questions to Ask Congressmen About GATT
Will Congress Repeal the U.S. Constitution?
One of our preeminent safeguards of constitutional government spelled out in the U.S. Constitution is the provision that treaties are valid only if ratified by two thirds of Senators present. If the Clinton Administration is successful in its plan … [Read more...] about Will Congress Repeal the U.S. Constitution?
GATT/WTO is a Betrayal of American Workers
"Free trade," which used to be an economic dogma for liberals and conservatives alike, has become the mantra of the advocates of GATI/WTO. But common sense should warn us that there is no.such·thing as a free lunch, and that even free trade can be … [Read more...] about GATT/WTO is a Betrayal of American Workers
Clinton is Itching to Take Us into War Again
Desperate to bring himself up in the polls just two months before the mid-term elections in November, President Clinton has apparently decided to start a war. Don't Americans always rally round the President, in a burst of patriotism, after a war … [Read more...] about Clinton is Itching to Take Us into War Again
State Attorneys General Ask Questions About WTO
In an extraordinary document, 44 state attorneys general have signed a letter addressed to President Clinton calling on him to convene a "State-Federal Consultation Summit" in August so they can air their concerns about the dangers of the proposed … [Read more...] about State Attorneys General Ask Questions About WTO