The 2008 election makes clear that Eagle Forum is needed more than ever before. We must rebuild the conservative movement that has been so badly fractured. That's our mission — we must be the leaders, and we are ready to lead. Members of Eagle Forum … [Read more...] about Where Do We Go From Here? — November 2008
Search Results for: treaty
Contrasting the Party Platforms — October 2008
The Republicans' Call to Arms The Republican Party Platform, hammered out by a national committee with representatives from every state, gives Republicans a basis on which to rebuild both their party and the grassroots conservative movement. It's a … [Read more...] about Contrasting the Party Platforms — October 2008
We Can’t Afford the Democrats’ Platform
The past two presidential elections taught the losing Democrats a couple of political lessons. They learned that attacks on guns and defense of abortion are no longer winning issues for them, and this new awakening is reflected in their 2008 … [Read more...] about We Can’t Afford the Democrats’ Platform
The Republicans’ Call to Arms
We recall the words of the old popular song, "What a Difference a Day Makes; 24 Little Hours." In this political year, it was actually 38 hours, but the poetry is the same. That's the time-spread between the locking up of the 2008 … [Read more...] about The Republicans’ Call to Arms
The NEA Spells Out Its Policies — August 2008
The nation's largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), attracted 9,000 delegates to its annual convention in Washington, DC over the Fourth of July weekend. Delegates sported buttons with provocative slogans such as "Gay … [Read more...] about The NEA Spells Out Its Policies — August 2008
The NEA Spells Out Its Policies
The nation's largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), attracted 9,000 delegates to its annual convention in Washington, DC over the Fourth of July weekend. Delegates sported buttons with provocative slogans such as … [Read more...] about The NEA Spells Out Its Policies
Jesse Helms: The Most Important Senator of Our Times
Senator Jesse Helms, who like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the Fourth of July, was the authentic voice of conservatism for three decades. He was a role-model of an incorruptible public official who adhered to principle despite the … [Read more...] about Jesse Helms: The Most Important Senator of Our Times
Do Party Platforms Really Matter? — July 2008
DO PARTY PLATFORMS REALLY MATTER? One of the main features of any political convention is adoption of the platform, a statement of Party principles and goals. Some people take party platforms very seriously; others think they are a waste of time. Of … [Read more...] about Do Party Platforms Really Matter? — July 2008
The Many Sides of Globalism — May 2008
Has George III Returned? It's a good thing that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's U.S. visit was upstaged by the dramatic reception Americans gave Pope Benedict XVI. Brown might have been booed if he hadn't delivered what aides called his … [Read more...] about The Many Sides of Globalism — May 2008
England’s Call to Repeal Our Declaration of Independence
It's a good thing that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's U.S. visit was upstaged by the dramatic reception Americans gave Pope Benedict XVI. Brown might have been booed if he hadn't delivered what aides called his … [Read more...] about England’s Call to Repeal Our Declaration of Independence