Text: The Real Immigration Issue Is Jobs Since the costs will come due only after Obama has left the White House, I guess he doesn’t care how high are those costs. But the costs are horrendous, as added up by our country’s foremost authority on such … [Read more...] about The Real Immigration Issue Is Jobs — May 2015
Search Results for: treaty
Was It an April Fool Joke?
U.S. control of the Internet’s basic functions has kept the Web free for Americans and for the entire world. And it’s up to us to keep it that way. As Ronald Reagan said during the great Panama Canal controversy in the mid-1970s, … [Read more...] about Was It an April Fool Joke?
Obama’s Pen vs. the Constitution — February 2014
Text: Obama’s Pen vs. the Constitution Barack Obama has revealed that he unilaterally plans to use executive orders to “bypass” Congress. His shocking words were: “We are not just going to be waiting for legislation. . . . I’ve got a pen and … [Read more...] about Obama’s Pen vs. the Constitution — February 2014
Congress Promotes Foreign Jobs
Congress is about to consider a massive attack on the U.S. Constitution, on the constitutional powers of Congress and the 50 states, and on U.S. sovereignty. This attack is marketed to the public as “free trade,” but it is really a … [Read more...] about Congress Promotes Foreign Jobs
War on ‘Free Exercise’ of Religion — December 2013
Text: War on ‘Free Exercise’ of Religion Americans who believe in God had better wake up and realize that a well-orchestrated campaign is moving to fundamentally transform the United States into a scrupulously secular nation. If this succeeds, … [Read more...] about War on ‘Free Exercise’ of Religion — December 2013
Whom Is John Kerry Representing?
John Kerry is turning out to be an even more dangerous Secretary of State than Hillary Clinton. He just took it upon himself to unilaterally proclaim that the Monroe Doctrine is dead, saying, “The era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.” The … [Read more...] about Whom Is John Kerry Representing?
Uncle Sam a Global Sucker
It should be clear that teaching Americans we are now part of a global economy and teaching schoolchildren they are citizens of the world is a deceitful message to con us into a plan to add the poor countries around the earth to our list of welfare … [Read more...] about Uncle Sam a Global Sucker
Who Disobeys the Law of the Land? — October 2013
Text: Who Disobeys the Law of the Land? The Democrats are chanting that Republicans must fully fund Obamacare because it is the law of the land, passed by Congress, signed by the President, and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Therefore, they … [Read more...] about Who Disobeys the Law of the Land? — October 2013
Boehner Republicans Heading for Big Mistake
What in the world is the matter with Boehner Republicans in the U.S. House? Haven’t they had enough of Obama exceeding his presidential authority, disobeying the Constitution by refusing to “take care that the laws be faithfully … [Read more...] about Boehner Republicans Heading for Big Mistake
Mischief-Making about the Constitution — September 2013
Text: Mischief-Making about the Constitution Attacks on the U.S. Constitution are coming from all sides. There are many pressure groups that just don’t like our U.S. Constitution, even though it is the longest lasting Constitution in history … [Read more...] about Mischief-Making about the Constitution — September 2013