2024 December Lunch Briefing: RSVP Now!
RSVP to mason@phyllisschlafly.com

2024 Webinar Series Recap:
Webinar: Biden’s Radical Change in the Bayh-Dole Act March-In Basis w/Joe Allen | May 31, 2024
May 2024 Dinner and Briefing Recap:
Fork in the Road or Collision Course:
Innovation vs. Government Constraint
Thanks to the many wonderful speakers and panelists, our generous sponsors, and to all of the attendees, our 2024 program was one of the best yet.
The stakes of American’s innovative future have never been higher! We must restore intellectual property rights and the freedom of U.S. inventors, or innovation will suffer.

Photo Gallery
READ: “Protecting Competition and Innovation in Home Technologies“
June 15, 2021
Statement for the Record Submitted to U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights

Many of Phyllis’s iconic writings on patents and the intellectual property issue can be found in the book “Phyllis Schlafly Speaks: Vol. 4 Patents and Invention.” Click on the cover to purchase!
Although Phyllis Schlafly is known for her many conservative victories in the political arenas of elections and family values, she was equally passionate about a lesser discussed topic among most grassroots Americans. Patents and inventions were near and dear to her heart. Her father was an inventor and a patent holder, and she understood the unique and vital role that intellectual property laws played in our wonderful free market republic. America truly is a marvel of the world in the freedom and rights given to inventors. She wrote often on this topic and was known throughout the patent community as a staunch defender of the intellectual property rights.
The issue of patents and inventors truly transcends partisan politics. Republican or Democrat – many individuals recognize the United States’ patent system and protection of intellectual property to be one of the foundations of our free and prosperous society. American inventors, more than any other nation, have advanced the world by leaps and bounds. We owe a great thanks to the wisdom of our founders who understood these rights and took special care to place them in the Constitution itself.
Each year, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund honor this legacy of Phyllis with a dinner celebrating her work and the important battles that still play out in government. These dinners began in 2017 [read a report on the event from IP Watchdog], the year after her death.
Featured Articles
EFELDF Comments on NIST Draft Guidance for Considering the Exercise of March-In Rights

WHO Wants to Raid Patents, Wreck R&D, Slow the Pace of Finding Vaccines and Cures

Restoring IP Rights After the Destructive, Unjust Antitrust Rendering in FTC v. Qualcomm

Congress May Benefit Trial Lawyers, Endanger Patients, Rob Innovators and Undermine Patent Rights
2022 Event Recap

2021 Event Recap
Keynote Address — Hon. Andrei Iancu
Full Video — Panel Briefings
Full Video — Dinner Program