The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report with Ed Martin.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Hey, I hope you’ve been enjoying we’re over on Rumble directly on Rumble out of the Rumble DC studio doing some special programming every Tuesday at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. We’ll be doing the show live from there. We’ve also been doing some things. I’ve had some lengthy. Interviews with authors and about books. It’s not in this, in the case of, John Schlafly, in the last couple of days talking about the book that his mother wrote and the impact of A Choice Not an Echo on the broader movement in America. Fascinating conversation. If you go to Rumble, big fan of Rumble, and search for Pro America Report, our channel there you can get there. Just go to and you’ll see it through that. Also sign up for the emails there also so.
Here we are. Hey, today’s WYNK. And thank you. You know, you’ve heard from my my colleague, Ryan Hite, who does a lot of filling in for me. It’s been busy days. He’s fantastic and he’s on top of things also, but You know it. It’s tough every day to come up with what you need to know. What what you need to know, that’s what we call the WYNK. And you gotta say to yourself, what is it? You know what’s the what’s the? What’s the triage? What’s the what’s? The important thing to talk about.
Today I could talk about so many different subjects, but I’m gonna talk about something a little different and it’s this. Years ago now in my family we had a piano teacher. Her name is Ronit. I don’t actually at the top of my head. I think it’s in my phone. But I don’t remember her last name. She was just Ronit, the piano teacher. You know, we had at the time all four kids were home and all four kids, I think, were taking piano lessons. And it was busy and she’d come to our house. And so you have somebody in your house for two hours, 2 1/2 hours a day, once a week or once every other week. And, you know, you, you don’t get to know them intimately. But you get to know them, you know, over time. And you have a familiarity and it’s it’s kind of if you want to talk about community, there’s a piano teacher as a part of your life and you and part of your family. And so for a few years she was and she’s a very good teacher, very good teacher and the kids loved and my kids, most kids don’t like Piano lessons automatically. It matters who the teacher is, and she was really good. Really good. So that was helpful.
And I did know that she was Jewish, is Jewish. And I did know that some, if not not, I don’t know how many of her family lived in Israel. And so she was someone who was not just Jewish-American but had ties directly to Israel, and so I was aware of that and and various times we talked about those issues.
And recently I had reason to reach out to her. We were actually looking for a piano teacher again, and in the midst of that conversation, I mentioned to her how we’ve been praying for the people of Israel, and we’ve been really, you know, thinking a lot about it. And we talked about her and her family, and she texted back a day or two later and said how grateful she was that I had sent that message and. It was touching to Me and here’s what I gotta say to you.
We’re watching the stupidest, meanest operation being run on the American people about what’s going on, trying to make it so that we have to feel bad for other people suffering in the face of what happened on October 7th.
Now. Don’t get me wrong. I, along with, I think probably Ronit and the Jewish people, Christian people believe that every human being is made in the image and likeness of God, I often say it’s very frustrating to me that God would make Nancy Pelosi, but he did and therefore we have to have a certain amount of respect and care for all people.
But you cannot make them all equivalent based on actions and what happened on October 7th. People have already forgotten how this wasn’t even — as horrendous as 9/11 was, and it was horrendous. And I had friends. I I overstated. I don’t wanna say close friends that died, but I had people, people I call friends that died in 9/11 in the towers and and and and in my community I grew up in New Jersey in my extended community my high school it was a mile from the Twin Towers in Jersey City we had dozens and dozens of of alum of my high school that died. From my college. Which was up in Massachusetts. We had a couple dozen that died, including a a kid that I knew very well who lived in my dormitory and was a year, I guess, a year ahead of me. And he died. So we all knew people and we and it was, as horrendous as it was. We’ve already been misled to forget what happened on October 7th.
It wasn’t just a bomb dropped on a community. It was a an evil assault which included rape, killing of children. And again, I’m not excusing anything. I’m not saying dropping a bomb on, you know, or flying a plane into the the Twin Towers was somehow. Not as bad as what happened on October 7th, but I am saying indiscriminate killing it. It is devastating, but discriminate killing – the execution of kids the the, the the mistreatment of women.
You know this this was beyond anything that we have ever seen and on a scale that was absolutely, positively meant to not just be terror, but meant to cause what’s happening, which is to say, to cause Israel to have to fight for its very survival.
And the bet that the people that that the terrorists, Gaza and Hamas and everything. What they were counting on, I feel certain, was the kind of reaction that we’re seeing today, meaning people have forgotten the horrendousness of the assault. And again, I’m not talking about an assault being horrendous. Any rape, any murder of a child, you, you don’t have to pay. 10 is not ten times worse than one. One is the worst thing that’s ever happened. 10 is the worst thing that’s ever happening 10 times. But the attack on Israel was an attack on the nation by design, and that they didn’t have troops that could roll in behind, the terrorists, and invade Israel was just because they didn’t have the troops and the tanks they planned on using the troops and the tanks of the feckless media. And the pathetic liberals and the Democrat Party to try to not just divide America and divide the campuses and all that you see it, but to drive a wedge between the people of Israel, each other, by the way, I imagine. But certainly the rest of the world, and we cannot, we should not. We must not allow ourselves to be fooled.
And so I I have not tracked every decision of the leadership of Israel in terms of rhe military. I don’t care in the sense that it’s not my fight in the sense that they have to do what they have to do and what they have to do is address an existential threat on their border.
You cannot ask Israel to do something like, well, you know, just contain them. They’re they’re not. These are not. No.
The people in that place and their leadership. Has created effectively a community of terrorism.
Because the people that run the community in Gaza have created a a community who exists to destroy Israel and therefore you can’t pretend ohh if we just explain to them that we all can get along, or if we just explain. No, we can’t do it. And so back to my point.
What touched me most about the response from Ronit was that it felt like this is far removed from October 7th and this is far removed from what’s happening and and so my response I thought was sort of, I don’t know, standard and what I realized in hearing her response was if you are an Israeli, if you are of the nation, if your family is of that nation, this isn’t. This is not changed because it’s not October 8th. It’s not the day after every day is the day after October 7th every single day.
And we, Americans, better adjust our sensibility.
Because what you need to know is we’re being fooled into creating a kind of division that is false. And we’re being fooled. We’re being misguided into into saying that there’s a debate on this.
There is no debate on this. And I I don’t even care to get into the debate, if you, I mean, I can if you want. I I the the people of Israel, not only I think biblically, but also in terms of the practicality of world History needed and deserved a homeland, and it made sense to do what was done. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t like it or not, it’s what was done. But what’s happening now to try to undo it is not only Evil. But it’s counterproductive to our lives, even if you’re not Israeli, even if you’re not Jewish. It’s not what should happen. We should be for what is supposed to happen.
And what you need to know is we’re watching, again, one of the one of the the the most evil. It’s a war against Israel and it’s happening in the and it happens to be that the people, the enemies of Israel, who invaded on October 7th are using the stupidity and the moral weakness of the world and the media and the left and the Democrat Party and some of the Republican Party, but not really, the Democrat Party, to try to cause the destruction and to to to to fight the war through those other means. That’s what’s happening. It’s a very dangerous time. It’s a very dangerous time and so you know, we continue to pray, of course, continue to support Israel, continue to advocate for policies that will stop stupidity. I’m happy to see that some of the police are are wading into these places and these campuses and taking back the the campuses and stopping this. Lock people up, ignore them. They’re stupid.
And then also by the way, look at who, who gave them the money to act so stupid, who gave them the money to act this evilly. Who’s funding the war and the the the the units. For the army. That are employed at Columbia University and UCLA and everywhere else. Who gave them that money? Because those people are acting against the interest of America. Hear me? It’s not just acting against the interest of of, of Israel. It’s acting against the interest of America. We ought to know that, we want to pay attention to that and that’s what you need to know. All right. sign up there for the daily emails, the daily WYNK and a lot more. And we’ll take a break and be right back. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report back in.