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Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together as always. Please visit See my writings there and also sign up for the daily emails at That’s the daily WYNK. What you need to know, WYNK, what you need to know every day. 8:00 AM. Excuse me. 8:00 AM East Coast, 5:00 AM Pacific. We send out an e-mail to 10s of thousands of Americans, and we tell them what you need to know, that’s the daily WYNK short e-mail, a few links, a few comments and usually one strong assertion there comes. Here comes the cops and you will. There you, I hear from people all the time. That’s a great benefit to have this. The daily WYNK you’re gonna wanna check it out and if the cops are coming for me just tell my wife she knows where I hid everything. So. Let’s see. Today, today’s daily WYNK. This is going to be a little bit harder for me to explain and lay out. So let me take my time with this before we get there.
In a moment, we’re gonna talk with John Schlafly. John Schlafly, of course, does the weekly Schlafly Report with Andy Schlafly, his brother available, archived at You should check out his columns. Recently, one of his columns either. Was picked up by them. Or was was they requested it? I don’t know how it played out, but it was on the Epoch Times website. The Epoch Times Of course, is a great source and a great journalistic effort. The last five, seven years has really gotten important and I heard from more than one viewer, a listener to the program and others who said, hey, I I saw John and Andy Schlafly over at the Epoch Times. So you’re gonna wanna check out what they’re doing. They’re writing well and they’re writing on what is ahead. What’s happening in front of you, not what just happened, so check that out. Alright? Today’s WYNK. Here’s what I need to explain to you.
This is a little bit of a I mentioned a little bit complicated, but I have been watching throughout the world, how often things that are happening in the rest of the world are echoing what happens in America.
Now, back when Brexit happened, right, the British people voted to leave the European Union. That was a huge deal. It was right before Trump. But people started to say to themselves, hey, look, there’s a lot Happening in the world that are, you know, America is certainly unique in its size and scope and power and influence, but people are people and you’re seeing that well, that’s happening all over het world it it. It doesn’t mean, by the way at all that the the forces of sovereignty and putting your nation and your people first are winning. Far from it actually. It means that in places from Italy to Hungary to Poland to France, Paris, London, England, all over the world. There is a movement of people among people to retain, to obtain sovereignty, their respect for their soveregnty. In some places this is more complicated than in America, because in America we start from this this, our premise is we the people have the sovereignty and we share that with our government as an act of being together. But we don’t have to wait. For the sovereignty to be granted to us through the king because he has a divine relationship that’s different than ours.
The rest of the world has a shakier foundation for a reason for asserting. That they have a right to sovereignty, that they have sovereign rights. I’m not saying they don’t. I believe they do. In fact, I think that we, the people and the whole operating system we have is closer to what God had intended, meaning how we operate in nature as well as with the notion of a divine Being than any any place else. But one of the reasons you have corruption, in my opinion in other places. Is the people that are living together decide who, might makes right. That sovereignty comes from might, as opposed to sovereignty coming from God. It’s a big shift. So all over the world that’s happening. OK, now that’s one thing.
And all over the world, we are watching the centralizing, the strengthening of powers to squash a movement to respect we the people, and to to respect peoples’ sovereignty and the communities they form. So whether it’s the growing size and scope of the American government that has been encroaching on the sovereignty of we the people. All the time. Whether it’s dictatorships in China, the Chinese communists have clearly stomped on the sovereignty of the people of China. It’s not my problem, let me say differently, it’s not my responsibility or duty to fight for the Chinese people against their communist overlords, but I can describe it, and they’ve certainly the Communists have certainly swamped over the sovereignty of the people there. And there’s other examples.
You can certainly say that in places like Russia where it looks like Putin is a dictator of all that, make it markings and makings of dictatorship. You can say, well, look, Putin is doing that. And he’s taking away from people their rights because of corruption all the rest. But here’s where I wanna get.
In Europe it is Clear the actions of the European Union are clear. In the last six months they passed 267 amendments. The amendments to the European Constitution would have the dramatic, would cause a dramatic change in the very nature of the European Union. The European Union supposedly was a confederation of nations that got together and they used it for trading and they used it for. You know, sort of a a building block to be able to small countries and medium sized countries and large countries to be able to band together. Wouldn’t that be more effective. Open roads. Passport controls being wide open, so you get one EU passport and you go from place to place not as much burden or friction. Same thing with trade. Same thing with Foreign Relations in general.
But it was not supposed to be a European Union that becomes a centralized government. However, what you’ve seen over time is between Brussels and Strasbourg, where they also meet. But just call it Brussels, the European Union has grown stronger and stronger. Why? Because they’ve, they’ve they have, they’ve sapped sovereignty from the states, and they’ve mostly done it through money, through legalized bribery of the people, smaller States and said come on along.
Come on along. If you don’t act like we do, we’re gonna fine you. We’re gonna hold back your COVID money because we’re gonna fine you. By dint of the ability to be a larger unit negotiating-wise, they can control a lot of the economy against smaller states. Hungary is the best example right now. Orban has resisted. So what, where we’re at now. And the news that broke overnight that the Europeans. Want America to fight the war in Ukraine fund it, and they wanted they say they want to do their own, but they really don’t want to do their own. They wanna do. They want us to do a lot and they wanna do a little.
And so overnight there was a story that broke and I I was watching this and this is the, you know, Pro America Report finds these instances where you have to understand what’s happening. And who’s doing it to see what’s really going on.
So the news came out that the EU has decided that they will give $5 billion for a weapons fund to help them all put their money in the kitty, and then they buy weapons as Kiev as Ukraine needed it. Well, that sounds if you’re a Ukraine supporter, that sounds pretty good, right? You say? Well, Ohh good, $5 billion, that’s not nothing. And when Ukraine says we need land vehicles, we get them. When you need armor, we can get them and you go to the fund. You say it’s like a bank, right?
Except when you read closer, what you discover is the European Union says everybody pay in. Ohh and by the way, if you’ve already sent some stuff to to Ukraine, you don’t have to pay in.
What? Well, the the most obvious beneficiary of that is Germany. And why does that matter? Because Germany, if you’re, if you’re living in Moldova and you have to contribute $100,000 to the the the $5 billion weapons fund, you don’t sell most of the weapons. In fact, Moldova, I don’t know if they make any weapons.
But you know who does? Germany.
And you know what the EU does? They buy from themselves, so the Germans are effectively coercing the rest of the EU into contributing their money into a fund where the fund is used to buy German weapons and French weapons. And so it’s a, you see what it is? It’s taking from the people of the European Union to strengthen and fund France and Germany and anybody that’s serious that watches the EU sees that. The fingerprints of the Germans and the French, but mostly the Germans on controlling the loss of sovereignty for their own economy, for their own wealth, is so obvious. It’s so blatantly obvious. And this is the perfect example. So the Politico, of course, Politico being run by the left and you know. So I call it the sophisticated left, meaning that they know they have long. You know they have multiple degrees and masters and things, and they use big words, but they try to hide it from you. EU cash for Ukraine. The block agrees on a $5 billion weapons for fund. Kiev is desperate for the aid.
But the getting the deal meant having to finesse objections from France, Germany, Hungary.
Nonsense. The objections were Hungary objected to all of it, said, why are we sending money? We don’t have the money. That was their objection. It looks like they were all together. Right? France and Germany objected. They didn’t want to have to pay. If there was a $5 billion fund and everybody paid their share, they would have had to, France would have to pay. Half a billion dollars, Germany would have to pay a, you know, 3/4 of a billion dollars and they don’t have to pay. Instead, they want you to have to pay. If you’re another nation, not a strong nation, not a stronger nation. You pay, they benefit, and now the pay off.
What you need to know. It’s the same jive with NATO. America is told you pay America, you pay hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars over the last decades, you pay for weapons, for troops, for everything. We charge you for real estate. We charge you for everything, America and Oh yeah. We’re supposed to put 2%, maybe 3%. I forget the number now and we’re not gonna bother. We. You’re you’re gonna have to buy from us. You’re gonna have to deal with us. You’re gonna have to be in cahoots with us. We’re gonna. We’re gonna jerk you around. Mostly you Have to pay.
At a certain point. The people who are willing to let the EU hold them hostage. Those are the other nations because they’re in this system, they’re trapped now.
Or America. If our leaders refuse to stop the freeloading and by the way, I would take the free loading. I would take the free riders, you know, if the free riders of NATO were like, hey, look, you know we’re we’re a smaller country, we don’t have the ability to do this, but you can always do a percentage. You see that’s the trick. If your budget’s only $100 billion, you can do a percentage. But if it’s $350 billion or 100 billion $1.2 trillion, whatever the number is. You your percent makes it fair. So that’s what we’re dealing with. That’s what you need to know.
They’re they’re taking our sovereignty in many, many ways.
We got to take a break. We’ll be right back. Ed Martin. Pro America Report back in a moment.