What You Need to Know is Who’s sovereign? We the People are. There is tension in countries like Poland and Hungary where they have different views on the nature of their nation and therefore the impact of sovereignty. In Poland their Supreme Court has said it will be sovereign not the EU — Poland enters minefield over EU order. Same thing in Hungary and other places. In America, we’re fighting against intrusions of our sovereignty by the federal government. There are so many examples of government overreach within our healthcare system, education, parental right, etc. We the People will lose our sovereignty to Big Government if we aren’t careful.
Jim Hanson, President of Security Studies Group, & formerly US Army Special Forces, talks about school boards and how they are pushing parents out and saying they don’t have a say in their children’s education. Be sure to get a copy of his book — Winning the Second Civil War Without Firing a Shot. & Checkout SecurityStudies.org.
Noah Dingley, host of Across The County & Noah’s Ark, talks about the Dodgers winning the wildcard this week. Also, Noah gives an update on the politics of the pandemic.
Wrap up: Jobs numbers are in again! And they are not so good. Unemployment dropped but we didn’t add many jobs. Another thing to keep an eye on is the Virginia Governor’s race.