What You Need to Know is we are in a proxy war with Russia. Until now, we’ve been able to at least try to say we have given Ukraine defense weapons only, but now we are officially giving them tanks and all manner of offensive weapons. This is a terrible idea! The American people do not want this war, proxy or not. We must have citizens engaged in a broader discussion on this and demanding accountability from their representatives.
John Cribb, best-selling author, introduces us to his newest book (out yesterday) The Rail Splitter: A Novel. This is the follow-up work to his first novel, Old Abe. John also goes in depth with us on the history of research, writing, and biographies on Abraham Lincoln. Find more of John’s work at JohnCribbAuthor.com.
Brett Attebery, Chairman of the National Prayer Luncheon for Life and President/CEO of Heroic Media, talks about his book Your Pro-Life Bottom Line: How You Can Help End Abortion by Investing in Groundbreaking Consumer Marketing Strategies that Encourage Women to Chose Life. To finally end abortion, Brett Says, we have to change our mindset, get a more strategic approach! Find Brett’s work at BrettAttebery.com.