There is no moral high ground in opposing the border security wall to protect Americans that Donald Trump has fought for. Yet moral superiority is exactly the script that Democrats in Congress have used to prevent our President from building the wall Americans want and need.
“No, no, nothing for the wall,” Nancy Pelosi said in her first TV interview after accepting the gavel as the new Speaker of the House. “That sends the wrong message about who we are as a country.”

The battles between the Democratic House and President Trump highlight exactly what America now faces – not a choice between left or right, liberal or conservative, but a choice between freedom or tyranny.
Pelosi’s San Francisco colleague Gavin Newsom, newly sworn in as governor of California, stunned many that same week by promising to provide “sanctuary to all who seek it.” He declared that under his leadership California would become “the first state in the nation to cover young undocumented adults through a state Medicaid program.”
“A wall is an immorality,” Pelosi stated further to another group of reporters who gathered outside the House chamber. “It’s not who we are as a nation.”
Have you noticed how often Democrats claim they represent “who we are” and that anything President Trump supports is “not who we are”? Barack Obama used this phrasing frequently during his Presidency.
That phrase is very revealing of the new, extreme leftist movement in America. They aren’t even liberals – they’re authoritarians. They insist they know what is best for us. They’ll tell us what to think, how to act, and “who we are” from their centralized positions of power. Authoritarianism has appeared often in history – notably in the form of fascist dictators, communist oligarchs, or theocratic imams. Americans need to know that this is the same evil found in the new American left – which is quickly taking over the Democratic party and pushing out liberals as we know them.
The battles between the Democratic House and President Trump highlight exactly what America now faces – not a choice between left or right, liberal or conservative, but a choice between freedom or tyranny.
Nancy Pelosi was right: a wall does send a message. The message is that this is our country – we the people. And we have the right to close our doors to unwanted visitors in order to defend our families and our values.