The official unemployment rate (among people actively looking for work) rose to 3.8% in August, higher than the 3.5% that was expected. The number of new jobs reported by the government for June and July were adjusted downward by a total of 110,000, in what has become a pattern of revisions decreasing prior reports. Yet during this same month of August a reported 91,000 poor families from Central and South America migrated illegally into our country. This is the most during the entire Biden administration, and the real number is probably higher.
The Associated Press photographed a family of five plus another man strolling casually and illegally on our side of a border wall in Arizona. Biden is doing nothing to apprehend and return the millions of unlawful migrants who would redefine American culture and politics if this is allowed to continue.
Democrat-controlled New York City recklessly became a sanctuary city in defiance of federal laws, and now its mayor is crying for help to deal with merely 100,000 illegals, which is a tiny fraction of the total influx. A few weeks ago Mayor Eric Adams complained that it’s costing his city $12 billion to house and feed them for three years. Hordes of illegals are sleeping on the sidewalks outside of the landmark Roosevelt Hotel in midtown Manhattan, which closed during Covid and never reopened. The city’s shelters have filled to capacity, leaving no room for homeless Americans in need.
The left is so keen on maintaining completely open borders, but their position is built upon a false premise that America’s job market and social services are unlimited. That simply is not true. Every bed occupied by an illegal immigrant at a homeless shelter is another bed that cannot be occupied by a needy American. Likewise, every job occupied by an illegal immigrant is a job that is not filled by an unemployed American. Until we get our own house in order, we can be no help to other nations. It’s time to stop the flood of illegal immigrants by closing our southern border.