Dr. Everett Piper of Oklahoma Wesleyn University gives an update on the NJ college banning Chick-Fil-A; Dan Britton from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Jim Hoft of TheGatewayPundit.com; Anna Paulina on her tweet about illegals using welfare; In Swamp News, BENEATH THE SURFACE OF BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, with the Bush family, China negotiations, $250 billion lost to illegal immigration, and Bush lying in state; Amanda House on Dr. Robert Epstein: Research Documents Google Search ‘Irregularities’ in 2018 Election; In Heartland Heroes Jordan Henry shares stories about heroism; Florida state trooper struck by car, thrown in air after pushing bystander out of way, stunning video shows; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Liberals’ Rhetorical Ruse Exposed; In Your Turn, The Weekly Standard will close.