The United Nations claims to be an organization dedicated to promoting peace throughout the world. Formed after World War II in an effort to prevent future wars, the United Nations has arguably done more to foment wars throughout the globe than any other entity on the planet. Yet, globalists cling to the UN’s tattered image of a noble peacekeeping body because they want to keep their own power.
A naive American might be tempted to excuse the UN’s failures to keep the peace as simply a noble idea poorly executed. Just one example of the UN’s failures to secure peace comes from the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, or RWA. This bureaucratic behemoth provides more services for Palestinians than the UN gives to any other refugee group in the world, and 58% of its billion-dollar budget is earmarked for education. One would assume that the education would teach these Muslim children to embrace peace with their Jewish Israeli neighbors. Sadly, that is not the case.
Instead, UN-provided textbooks for Palestinian children call for them to resist the so-called “occupying Jewish forces.” Just as the left tries to do here in America, the UN textbooks tell these children that, as Palestinians, they are the helpless victims of colonialism. This victim mentality is probably why these children grow up to hate their neighbors to the point of widespread violence. The textbooks glorify Muslims who die in the pursuit of killing Jews, and remind children that violent conflict against non-Muslims, also called jihad, is “one of the doors to Paradise.”
Obviously, the United Nations isn’t just a hapless organization trying in vain to achieve world peace. They are actively fanning the flames of hatred in the hearts and minds of young people. At best, they are creating a problem so they can justify their own existence. At worst, they are plotting for the genocide of unfavored people groups. These insidious power-hungry tyrants do not deserve our taxpayer dollars. The very best thing that the United States could do for the cause of world peace would be to immediately leave the United Nations once and for all.