What You Need to Know is Fauci is being investigated! Fauci is truly riding his 15 minutes of fame for as long as possible and up until the very end. His emails are being gone through from the months since he’s been on the Covid-19 task force. These emails so far prove that bureaucrats are not all-knowing and virtuous. Another thing his emails have proved is that you can’t trust Fauci.
John Schlafly, director and treasurer of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, shares his recent column Dems Target Energy to Advance Agenda. John mentions that a war on energy is really a war on America. Catch the column by John and Andy Schlafly every week at Townhall.com and PhyllisSchlafly.com.
Dr. Brett Decker, professor at Defiance College, author, discusses if we should boycott the Olympics in China and how that’s not the best move — the best thing to do is to go and win. It’s an opportunity to show why America is better!
Wrap up: Why Republicans Must Rethink Antitrust — Rachel Bovard. It’s overwhelming to think about how we can overcome the narrative machine. But we can! It will take We the People changing our thinking, changing our choice of search engines, and changing how we talk about big tech.