What You Need To Know is how to view the battle for America. A week from today, December 8th, is the date under the law that every state must seat electors so they can vote on Tuesday, December 14th. Between now and December 8th is the window during which the state legislatures would be wise to make their objections known. In this short window we have to make a laundry list of fraud and make sure our friends and neighbors know what’s really going on!
Salena Zito, national political reporter, explains that in her profession as a journalist she asks tough questions to everyone she interviews. She’s outraged that Joe Biden, who was in the White House for 8 years, is asked fluff questions while Donald Trump, who has been there for 4 years, is only ever attacked by the news media. Why can’t journalists do their job and treat them the same way? Salena also gives an update on Pennsylvania.
Vico Bertogli, web developer, explains how data from the election made him aware that something was wrong and that there was a lack of integrity with the election. Vico’s two indications were the voter strength indication and the large percentage of same voter registration dates. Check out more of his work at B3WD.com.
Wrap up: ‘Trump Is Better’: In Asia, Pro-Democracy Forces Worry About Biden. Even Asia is worried about Biden being president in America!