In What You Need to Know, As predicted, Mueller report yields “no crimes and messiness”; Jack Posobiec tweets about no collusion; Mississippi governor signs bill banning abortion on babies with beating hearts; Dr. Kathi Aultman on ‘I’m a Mass Murderer’: Former Abortion Doctor Testifies in Support of Heartbeat Bill, Every vote counts – Dems care only about rigging the system, In Swamp News, Trump officials prepared to stonewall Democratic oversight demands.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, ISIS map, defending Twitter use, classified memos, Israel, free speech on college campuses; An update on the mess that is Brexit; Julie Kelly on her article McCain’s Key Role in Fueling Post-Election Trump-Russia Hysteria; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Prof Says Grading on Quality is ‘Racist’; In Your Turn, Ask Ed Anything: Is Beto O’Rourke for real?