In What You Need to Know, day 2 of the Birthright Citizenship debate; Chinese birth tourism: pregnant women in California’s ‘maternity hotels’ given voice in empowering novel; Gregory Wrightstone on his column Climate change fueled witch hunts… Then and now; John Schlafly on the latest Schlafly Report entitled Ending Birthright Citizenship; Wages up for non-highschool graduates; In Swamp News, Don Lemon is a hypocrite.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, military mobilized, tough fighters in caravan, world laughs at our stupid laws, Harry Reid on Birthright Citizenship, Birthright unfair, before the Dems went insane, and Paul Ryan; Claire McCaskill Ignites Feud With Missouri Democrat Just Days Before Election; Center for Immigration Studies; Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade; ‘This is an authoritarian era’ — and investors should be worried, says Richard Haass; In Your Turn, will Ed help all the celebrities pack who threatened to leave if it is not a blue wave? Why are people complaining about Steve King’s meeting with German leaders?