In What You Need to Know, Mattis expected to send 800 more troops to southern border; Kurt Schlichter of Townhall News on his article Ben Sasse Is Everything Wrong With Elite Conservatism; A Remote Hawaiian Island Disappeared Completely Following a Hurricane; Chadwick Moore on helping make #JobsNotMobs a meme; In Swamp News, How the Migrant Caravan Became a Trump Election Strategy.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, fake news causing anger, and caravan should turn around; Poland is one of the leading countries in taking care of their own people first; Megyn Kelly is OUT at NBC just 48 hours after defending blackface as she and the network fight over whether she will be paid out her $69M contract in full ; NBC admits The ‘blue wave’ could be turning purple; In Your Turn, Missouri’s governor once got in trouble for wearing black face.