Americans depend on our doctors for a lot of things, but political advice is not one of them. The American Medical Association, which represents about one-fourth of America’s practicing physicians, has officially declared what they call the ownership and use of firearms to be “a serious threat to public health.” They are likely to put their money where their mouth is by allocating some of their $21 million lobbying budget to this issue. This just shows how close the Left has come to the end of their rope when it comes to fighting the Second Amendment. They cannot get any real grassroots support to take away the guns of law-abiding American citizens, so they call in these multi-million-dollar organizations to intimidate and strong-arm legislators.
As long as there are liberal doctors in the world, the fight to preserve the Second Amendment will continue. However, what the AMA lacks and will always lack is the firm grassroots pro-gun support that permeates to the very deepest roots of American culture. It is hard to imagine an issue which has been under such brutal assault by liberals and moderates. Commentators call us murderers. Some unabashedly some call us the American equivalent of Al-Qaeda terrorists. The nicer commentators only call us complacent in the death of children. No matter how ludicrous the claim, these commentators are never called out by the mainstream media for mischaracterizations or even outright lies. In fact, the media are always the first to broadcast these lies.
For all their money and free publicity, the gun control crowd cannot seem to get their arguments straight. In one breath they compare our president to a totalitarian dictator, but in the very next they ask him to confiscate everyone’s guns. That total lack of common sense is an insult to the open dialogue they purport to seek. Despite all this pressure, victory is still possible for defenders of our right to bear arms. An indomitable resistance to tyranny still throbs in the heart of every American patriot. As long as that is the case, we need only make our voices heard to ensure that leftist anti-gun policies never gain a foothold in our republic.