What You Need to Know is that we are in treacherous territory, because we are about to see a siege on Hamas and Gaza like nothing that we have ever seen. A siege was once a very common military tactic, and there have been many major sieges throughout history. But in each of those historical moments, we have never had video to account for it and spread it across the world. We are going to see it all on TV and video, and it is going to be horrendous, because war is well. And we will almost certainly be misled. Those with sympathies towards Palestine will spin the footage in a way to paint Israel in a bad light. This is why it’s important to distrust but verify.
Vince E. Ellison, a fearless conservative author, recently released his third book: Crime, Inc.: How Democrats Employ Mafia and Gangster Tactics to Gain and Hold Power. Vince joins Ed to talk about how white liberals use criminal tactics to get leverage over the black community at all levels to leverage them for left-wing goals. The Democratic party is not only evil, but also uses the same tactics as the mafias, triads, MS-13, and criminal gangs to exert their influence. Vince brings his experience as a corrections officer and the story of his father’s life to credibly tear down the Democratic party and Black Lives Matter. Learn more at vinceellison.com.
Wrap Up: Look at all of the things that Trump did, and that Biden actively reversed. Are these just policy differences, or is this Biden’s ego? Biden has walked back Trump’s energy independence and torn up Trump’s work on the Abraham Accords. Today, Trump bragged about some of the many great things that he has done during his presidency, all of which stand in stark contrast to Biden.