The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, otherwise known as NATO, was established in 1949 to counterbalance the threat of communism. Today, NATO stands ready and willing to defend, though they are much more interested in defending leftist gender ideology than they are in defending freedom. NATO’s Gender-Inclusive Language Manual is their weapon of choice. This manual was developed under the direction of the NATO secretary general’s special representative for women, peace, and security, a position which definitely should not exist.
Like so many other leftist language manuals, the document calls for gender neutral pronouns whenever possible. “Cleaner” is to be used instead of “cleaning lady,” and the manual is also clear that “doctor” is to be used in the place of the term “lady doctor.” Swashbuckling servicemen – oops, servicepersons – used to “manning” a position will be disappointed to know that they are only permitted to “staff” a position, and don’t even get me started on the word “manpower.” The manual acknowledges that terms like the Naval “seaman” are problematic, but they don’t suggest an alternative. If you’re in the Navy, now might be a good time to get acclimated to the idea of being called a “seaperson.”
Not missing an opportunity to hit a leftist talking point, the manual also makes clear that transgender people are supposed to be referred to by the pronouns they identify with. The manual does not say what to do if the preferred pronouns of a private first class are general/generalself. It seems to me that anything is up for grabs these days.
We like to joke about the ridiculous notions in these gender-inclusive language manuals, but protecting the free world from the threat of communism is no laughing matter. While the defenders of freedom are busy coming up with new words to placate the feminists, you can bet that the enemies of freedom are engaged in far less trivial pursuits. Militaries serve one purpose and one purpose only: to dominate enemy forces. The culture warriors can crow all they want about how “diversity makes us stronger,” but manpower will always be more important than manuals.