Phyllis Schlafly’s flagship publication, the Phyllis Schlafly Report, has been right on the issues for fifty years, and the strategies Phyllis used thirty, forty, even fifty years ago are still relevant today. In her May 1987 Phyllis Schlafly Report, Phyllis chose to remind her readers of a then-164 year old policy. Just as it was in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was a strong statement that reflects the values held by real Americans – both in 1987 and today.
President James Monroe established this policy in his December 2, 1823 address to Congress in which he said, “The political system of the allied powers is essentially different from that of America. We should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.” Essentially, its purpose was to inform European powers that they shouldn’t interfere with the affairs of the United States or any other American country. Likewise, it promised to refrain from interfering in the affairs of the European powers. The Monroe Doctrine quickly became the bedrock of American foreign policy.
This Doctrine still reflects the will of the American people. However, it has taken on a slightly different name. What was once called the Monroe Doctrine is now commonly called America First. Donald Trump didn’t invent America First. Not even Phyllis Schlafly invented America First. However, what made their policy positions so unique is that they tapped into that sweet spot where public opinion and common sense collide. Americans were tired of apology tours and bad trade deals when they voted for Donald J. Trump last November. They want America to be for Americans.
National sovereignty is one of the defining issues of our time, and of the Trump presidency. We must stand beside him and lift high the public sentiment that we want America to put America first. President James Monroe may have been the first to vocalize this doctrine, but it is up to us to preserve it. We must ensure that this “doctrine for all seasons” truly does “live forever” so we can preserve our Union for generations to come.