The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be with you. We’ve got a lot to cover. I have to ask you if you’re listening to this and you’re a regular listener of the Pro America Report, one thing I love is talking to authors. Later this week, I’m going to talk with Liz Wheeler. Later in this program, I think I’m going to visit with Todd Bensman, who’s written the book Overrun. Jeffrey Stevens, who is an author a, published author. I think his background is as an attorney. That happens pretty frequently, a lot of times, if you’re a a good attorney, you’re a good writer and he has written a series of novels. The newest of the Jeffrey Stevens novels is called The Handler, and I’m going to talk with him about it. That’s a novel, like a spy novel. I’m going to try to finish it first, because I’ve am going to talk with him later this week, but I love talking to authors.
I don’t know if you love that, but I love doing that. I love 10-minute interviews with an author. You can get to something good, make them think and hopefully get people thinking and talking about the book, so I hope you enjoy those and go over to and you can see all those great interviews I do, and you can sign up for the daily e-mail. The daily e-mail is called the Daily WYNK. What you need to know: the WYNK. Go over there and check it out and here we do. So, the daily WYNK. Sorry, let me say the daily WYNK is a couple of links, a couple of stories. Couple links to stories. Sometimes a couple of stories. And then one point. What you need to know for the day. And it’s really fun to put together. So, there you have it. And on this segment, I often do what you need to know. Sometimes it’s different, sometimes it tracks with that. In fact, I’d say often it’s different because different times of the day are what you need to know right now.
And today what you need to know is, we’re missing something really big and I’m going to start talking about it and I’m going to hope that it takes off and it is this. We have in the last decade series of the last sets of decades, the last 3, 4, 5, 6, certainly 7 decades, very specific experiences as a nation, American nation that we should learn from, that we should study, that we should understand. There’s lots of them. There’s some that are on the economy. Now there’s some on policy. There’s some on all kinds of topics.
But one of them is the experience. The threat of communism to America after World War 2, the Soviet Union set up a communist nation, and they ran it as a communist nation. You can call it corrupt. You can call it an oligarchy. You can call it whatever you want, but it was motivated by, and it was informed by communism, world communism, that’s the facts. After the fall of the Soviet Union, we have learned an immense amount. So, since the late 1980s and early 1990s, and then probably in through the 90s when things were declassified, we learned exactly how what the what the contours of the relationship, the battle between, in the Cold War, between America and the World Communist Soviet Union.
We see very clearly that the communist nation was not benign in its opposition to America, and that’s obvious, but it also wasn’t passive. It was aggressive in its opposition. It included spying in huge ways. It included infiltration, huge ways. It included the promotion of corruption in big ways. It included a series of strategies. It included a couple of strategies and lots and lots of tactics and so you get a guy like Doctor Paul Kengor who’s over at Grove City College, up near Pittsburgh, and Kengor has written a series of books on who the dupes were, people that were dupes of the Soviets. They were not participants in the same way that the Communist Party members were, but they were dupes, and some were willing dupes. And some were not willing, and some were willful and knowledgeable, and others weren’t.
Which brings us all the way to Oppenheimer this movie. I haven’t seen it yet, but there’s now a discussion going on generally that Oppenheimer, who lost his security clearance, he in 1953. He was the guy that supervised the Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bomb, and the Soviets got that technology really quickly. And they got it through lots of spies. I don’t think anyone says that Oppenheimer was the spy that delivered that technology, but what I think you can say at this point was there were lots of people that thought it was okay to be sympathetic to the Soviet Union because, well, you know, if he could, he described himself as a fellow traveler, Oppenheimer, and that there are lots of people that vilified McCarthy. Joseph McCarthy, the senator from Wisconsin. They said that he was way over the top about the threats of communism in the government and it’s pretty clear whether his specific allegations were true or not.
The overall point was that America was infiltrated, penetrated and dominated in many ways by Soviet communist spies and by Soviet communist influence that decimated our ranks in the State Department and law enforcement and university life. And there were lots of people that may have said, well, I’m not a Communist spy. I’m not giving them, but that they were dupes. And that they were brought along and were bringing the systems of the Soviets into America. Which brings us to today.
We need a new McCarthyism. I’m not joking. They try to make McCarthy into a complete odious figure. He had some conduct that was troubling, mostly alcohol related, I think, but I’m no expert, but his insight into the threat of world communism in the Soviet Union was right-on, right-on and it is simply true at this moment in our American history that the Communist Chinese regime is threatening the country. And to think that they are not employing every single tactic that the Soviets used and a lot more is totally naive. The Communist Chinese have shown themselves, by contrast to the Soviet communists, the Communist Chinese are much more patient. They’re much more subtle. It’s probably cultural, but it also may be just pedagogical.
They’ve learned the lesson they saw the Soviets do. And the Communist Chinese are clearly infiltrating America. Go to the universities, go to higher education or other related fields to higher education, science and technology. Go to the government, go to the community. You cannot come to America if you’re a communist Chinese member and be benign. I’m being serious. You can come and be nice. You can come and say nice things, but the system that the Communist Chinese are doing means you can’t come and be benign. You cannot. Now, you could say, well, a lot of these people, they a lot of people that come to Chinese Communist, they come to America, they flee, and they become citizens. There are some dissidents, I think the Fulan Gong adherents are ome of them. I think there are some dissidents. That flee. And they have a specific reason to be away from the Communist Chinese regime. And I think there are some who come and maybe they say I want to be here. I want to be here and be part of America differently, but I don’t think that’s most. I just don’t. Not if you know history, not if you looked at the Soviet Communists and you go one after another in examples of the reality of what the Chinese regime, the Communist Chinese regime that wants to get rid of any nation or system that believes in God.
The only god in communism is the state, and there was coverage over the weekend of 100-year-old Henry Kissinger flying on a private plane. I assume into China to visit the communist regime and to be talking about what I don’t know, he’s 100 years old, but he is someone who has constantly been saying that we should be friendly with the Chinese. He was doing that with the Soviets, by the way. And it is, as Lee Smith tweeted about this, it’s an elite info op of the US and the Communist Chinese regime. It’s an elite info op of the regimes in America and in China that want that to be what happened.
And here’s what he says, tt is going to lead to a war. It’s going to lead to a war. He says actually, Lee Smith says we’re at war and he says: but it’s going to lead to a hot war. But no matter how you look at it, what needs to be said more clearly, not less clearly, more emphatically, not less emphatically. It needs to be shouted from the mountaintops, from the rooftops. It needs to be this: the Communist Chinese regime is doing as much as the Soviet communists, for sure. And everything that I see, and others see makes you say they’re doing a lot more.
Are we going to get serious? It doesn’t look like we’re serious. It doesn’t look like we’re serious at all. It looks like we’re losing the country. It looks like we’re losing our country and losing what he called the Cold War. This soft war with China, the Chinese regime. Shame on Kissinger. Shame on all these people that aren’t taking seriously the idea that among us amidst us are communist agents. At every turn. We need a new McCarthyism. We really do, a serious one.
Alright, we got to take a break. We’ll be right back. We got Bensman and a lot more. Be right back, Ed. Martin here on. The Pro America Report back in a moment.