The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be with you. As always, I spent a very interesting latter part of this week looking closely at some of the records and some of the details of the January 6th, Liz Cheney Select Committee and I don’t have much to say yet, but I will have a lot to say soon. It’s it’s amazing what happened. You talk about a propaganda effort, a abuse. What I would say, abuse of government abuse of taxpayer dollars. The Liz Cheney Select Committee really, really, really took advantage of their position and tried to propagandize. The American people and just it’s a scandal, should be it should be a bigger scandal. So we’ll get to that. Coming up in the next, probably the next week or so, I want to get some more work done on that, but I want you to I’m digging into that. It’s not. Well, it’s a big focus right now, so but first, let’s talk about something else. Let’s talk about something else for a moment, shall we?
Shall we talk about China and what I want to talk to you about is whether people are serious, whether people are serious about taking on the threats to this country. And so let me let me explain to you. What you need to know today is the Biden administration is sending every signal that they’re not serious. If the Biden administration was serious, we would have already banned TikTok. The Communist Chinese owned, the Communist Chinese operated, the Communist Chinese brain science-forming entity, TikTok that has hundreds of millions of of views a day over the I think it’s 30, 40, 50 million Americans. Are on there, more than that maybe? And they’re being shaped and they have all these things that the Chinese Communist, TikTok admits that they have a button that’s called a hot, a heat button. They turn up the heat on the topic and that topic becomes a big deal. And so we have a communist regime which has influence over especially our kids, especially our kids.
So we would be serious if we banned TikTok. We’re not, we’re not.
We have a Harvard professor. Who is sentenced now for lying, lying about his ties to China. He’s sentenced to like 10 minutes. No jail, two days. He was in jail. That’s enough. And then fined a bunch of money. Now I don’t know that I hate the idea of, you know, less jail time for people like that. I mean, I don’t want to be too over the top in general, but I do want to point out that when somebody does something nonviolent. But it is objectionable to us and and of the scope that it’s a sort of if you, if you’re like me. If you’re like me, you think that a professor at a university like Harvard who is working for the Communist Chinese regime and lying about it, that’s a little more serious than, say, he earned a little extra money working for, say, a an American business. And he didn’t report it on his taxes. When you’re hiding something from the the from the American government and your taxes, that’s from the communist regime. It’s a little bit more of a scandal. I’m not saying it’s treasonous. I am saying it’s getting closer and I am saying that what are the chances that the Communist Chinese regime is paying money to Harvard professors to talk about their, to to hide Their work or. Excuse me, The Communist Chinese regime is paying Money to Harvard professors to work for them, to promote them, to make things happen, and the professors lying about it. Why is the professor lead a lie, because he doesn’t want to reveal that he doesn’t Want to reveal that he’s got compromised in that way.
But do you really think that the Communist Chinese regime at this point, with everything else they’ve shown. Do you really think? That they have, that they’re not doing other things. That they’re not paying other people, that they’re not developing spies and others. You know, the Chinese regime calls this the 1000 Talents Plan. It’s a program designed. To go ahead and find people who have foreign technology and intellectual property and get them to work. In China. And the Chinese admit. Well, I shouldn’t say the Chinese admit. We all admit that the Chinese regime, when you go to China and you bring your laptop or your phone or anything else and you’re you’re gonna have your intellectual property stolen and you’re not gonna be able to get it back. You’re not gonna be able to get get that, get that easily solved. If you get your stuff stolen, ask a guy like Chris Fenton @TheDragonFeeder Is his Twitter feed. But he wrote that book about how the it’s called Feeding the Dragon, about how the the NBA and Hollywood and American business are have are in this Problem where they want the markets in China. So they play ball and then the Chinese, when they use them, they lose them. When they use you enough then they lose you and they basically did that to the Hollywood is what Chris Fenton was most familiar.
But you know the other part of this not being serious is. The Biden administration changed the name. The name of the entity that was doing the work digging into China. Trump’s, Trump administration and the Department of Justice called it the China initiative. China, focusing on the prosecution of professors, the infiltration of academia and the Biden administration, said we gotta stop that. We gotta stop that. That’s mean. We’re not going to call it the China Initiative. We’re going to say it’s not the China initiative, it’s a just a general initiative because why because, well, there’s people from Iran and North Korea and Russia that are infiltrating America.
Does anyone seriously believe? That the the, the, the Iranians, the North Koreans and the Russians are are infiltrating our academia? What was the last time you heard about, you know, dozens and dozens of of Chinese, excuse me, of Russian or Iranian officials going to work or academics, let me say it again. What was the last time you heard about officials, professors, Americans, recruited by the Russians or the Chinese or the OR Iranians or North Koreans. Doesn’t happen. I mean, maybe there’s one or two. We know it’s wholesale China, the Chinese regime, the communist regime has has on our campuses. They’ve set up these centers there. They announced the programs, they send hundreds of thousands of students, their own national students here. You don’t have to go far to find evidence that the communist regime is targeting. And we’re going to change the name of the department from, not the China initiative. No, no, not the China initiative. We’ll just call it the initiative to what? Protect Higher Ed? It doesn’t seem serious. Maybe they didn’t change a single thing about the program. But it doesn’t seem serious. If you’re not willing to name your enemy your rival, the the people who are a threat to you, you’re not going to have much luck. Taking them on. And that’s what it feels like with the Communist Chinese regime when it comes to the the the university infiltration. When it comes to the infiltration of the American government.
Remember, only in the decade or so after the Soviet Union fell did we get declassified and released the documents that showed. How dramatically the Soviets had infiltrated American life, especially universities, especially government. When we got a bunch of the Kremlin stuff that was released, documents, we could see how compromised. And and maybe say it better, a lot of compromising of America, but maybe more importantly, a lot of efforts to do it, a lot of money to do it, a lot of focus on it. Why wouldn’t the Communist Chinese be doing just what we think they’re doing, which is focusing on this? They do. They would and they do. And yet we’re going to change the name of the Of the initiative, so we don’t offend the Chinese it’s crazy. Gotta get serious. Gotta get serious, alright? That’s what you need to know right now. We’ll come back in a moment. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report back in a moment.