What You Need to Know is the new Cold War has begun, and it’s between China and the world. China has made clear they are our enemy — from theft of our intellectual property to rampant economic warfare to the pouring of drugs into America — they have proven they are bent on destroying the west. They don’t care about human life; they’re Godless communists. The Wuhan virus is the beginning of the Second Cold War. It won’t end until China loses.
Gen. Robert Spalding, author of Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept, discusses our relationship with China and his predictions long ago. More on his work here.
Professor Larry Schweikart talks about the Wild World of History and the culture wars conservatives must enter.
Wrap up: Go to RealMrsAmerica.com to learn the truth about the FX Series on Phyllis Schlafly and ERA that’s being released tomorrow on Hulu. Also, on Trump’s press conferences, the media, and Dr. Fauci.