What You Need to Know is that polls lie and they will come to a tie! Polls are easy to manipulate — you can’t trust them because they are a reflection of whatever the pollster wants them to say. In America we are a pretty evenly divided nation as far as identifying with a specific political party. The polls were showing Biden ahead but recently the approval rating for Trump is going up. Remember, polls lie but the truth will come out in November!
Jonathan Leaf, award-winning playwright, journalist, historian, and contributor to Spectator USA, shares his article on Gloria Steinem’s revisionist history. Jonathan talks about Gloria Steinem’s part during the feminist movement.
Terrence K. Williams, actor & comedian, talks about his new book coming out this month, From The Foster House To The White House. Terrence’s goal is to tell people his views educate them in politics but in a fun way. Check out more of his work at TerrenceKWillIams.com.
Wrap up: Microsoft and Walmart have tried to purchase TikTok, but the creators don’t want to release their algorithms. The Communist regime controls what their people know, see and do. The problem of Communist China isn’t small!