The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on The Pro America Report and it is another great one today. We’ve got a couple of great guests.
We will talk in a few moments with our old friend Todd Bensman. He has made me think, well, every week we almost talk to him, almost every week and he’s got another piece, actually front page of the New York Post. Todd Bensman, superstar reporter, investigative reporter, of course, the National Security fellow over at the Center for Immigration Studies. That’s his day job and he’s super. So we’ll talk with him.
Also, Jerome Corsi, Dr. Jerry Corsi, a longtime friend of the late Phyllis Schlafly, has written a bunch of books. He’s got a new book. I would describe it as a resource for the climate change fight. Lots of facts and figures and arguments. He’s always interesting to talk to and we’ll talk with him.
All right, first, what do you need to know today?
Well, what you need to know today is the number one issue that is not being covered is in fact the issue that we’re going to talk with Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies about, and that is the border.
I actually believe, I do believe that there was, I think it was a tweet from, is his name John Ellis? John Ellis is a reporter, kind of a retired reporter and yeah, John Ellis and he tweets a sort of a daily report. He calls them news items ellis and he tweeted about this issue and he wrote, quote killer issue.
The number of migrant arrests at the southern border has already hit a record and they are on track to reach 2 million by the end of the fiscal year. And he links to a Wall Street Journal article. Here’s what you need to know.
The lawlessness at the border, our southern border, where the cartels are bringing in fentanyl, they’re trafficking underage, minority, underage women, minors, sex trafficking, the violations of all kinds of things. It doesn’t matter.
There’s actually pushback from someone who said it’s not the illegal aliens who are bringing the fentanyl across. It’s actually being brought across by the organized efforts at the borders with bribery, with big trucks and getting them to look the other way. That’s not my point. My point is the same set of principles that make it so that there is no border enforcement is a set of policies. It doesn’t matter if the absolute porous, the absolute nonborder, the nonenforcement along the border, doesn’t matter if that attributes to the illegal aliens pouring across across deserts and with mules and all that, or again, because we’re not enforcing the border. We have a corrupt system that allows trucks to come through. I don’t care why, I don’t care how, I don’t care what you think that is. It doesn’t matter to me.
What matters right now is that the American people do not have a government in office that will enforce the border. And therefore we are being led, as it stands on the policy of the border by the cartels.
Or if you prefer, the narco state of Mexico.
I think the attorney general of Mexico could have been one of the regional, like the state attorney’s general was just arrested for corruption because it’s a narco state.
And if you prefer, it’s a cartel state because it’s not just the drugs. It’s also the sex trafficking and the other aspects of it. It’s even as a political matter, it’s even people, the Mexican and other governments are happy to send people up to America because they work and they send money back, and that helps the local economy.
So what you need to know is the number one issue in the fall is probably the direction of the country. Things like jobs and the stock markets tanking and all these kinds of things. Inflation is up. That’s probably how people feel about the leadership, the Afghanistan withdrawal that killed all those Marines, all this kind of stuff. People just feel like it’s going in the wrong direction and they associate with Democrats.
But the number one issue in my mind, the number one threat to our country, and the number one issue, if people knew about it, is the border. And the fact that our border is controlled by the cartels in Mexico. And we sit back and pretend that this is okay. We have a set of policies that are not enforced, whether it’s the border laws, whether it’s the actual border itself, whether it’s the appropriation of over $1 billion to continue to build the wall and border fences that Biden has just not used. He said he’s not going to use it. It was appropriate and approved by the government, by the Congress, and signed by the president, and it’s supposed to be used. And so he’s deciding not to do it.
Whatever the reasons, however we got here, we’re at the point where our nation is being transformed. NPR National Public Radio last week ran a piece. It’s been thoroughly debunked, and the piece was about polling. And the polling was about Americans who say they believe that illegals are getting more benefits than the people who are here. Citizens and NPR refutes this, they debunk it. Their own debunk has been debunked. NPR has been made to look foolish.
First of all, let me say this. If you have one illegal alien here using one dollar, if the guy wasn’t here, he would use $0. So if your argument is whether an illegal alien is in America and uses $10, and an American citizen on average uses one dollar, and you say, well, that’s $9 more for the illegal alien, and the pushback from NPR is, no, the individual citizen uses $10 too. The U.S. citizen uses $10, as does the illegal alien. And my answer would be, yeah. But if the illegal alien wasn’t here, he wouldn’t use $10. He’d use $0. You see my point? It’s not only a comparison. And by the way, the Center for Immigration Studies has totally debunked, Steven Camarota debunked it in a piece that said no, whatever NPR wishes the reality was, illegal aliens do utilize government services in higher amounts than regular US citizens for all the reasons you’d expect, by the way, more American citizens would have insurance, for example, and an illegal alien wouldn’t. So they’d go to emergency room and you’d be getting indigent care, et cetera, et cetera, example after example.
But again, I would drive back to this point, do it a different way. Say you have 1000 illegal aliens in a community and they need to go to school. Let’s say they’re all 1000 children and they need to go to school. They go into the school system and there’s 1000 U.S. citizen kids in school. So now there’s 2000 kids in school. And you say, well, the U.S. citizens are using the same amount of resource as the illegal aliens. There’s no difference. Don’t complain that they’re different. You can make that argument. I don’t think it’s true because I think the illegal aliens will have lots of issues with language and all. But the more important thing is if there were not 1000 illegal aliens, you only have 1000 people, kids in the school. You see the problem.
I mean, it’s not just a problem of the amount of resources being used, it’s a problem of the amount of resources in the country.
And you do not get, no matter what people say, you do not get illegal aliens paying taxes in the same amount and participating in the economy in the same way US citizens do. That just doesn’t happen for all kinds of reasons. The kinds of reasons that have to do with the fact that illegal aliens are not going to pay taxes. Some of them, some do. They certainly pay sales tax, of course, but they’re also not enrolled in the systems that necessarily may bring participation.
For example, a lot of the money that illegal aliens make and I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but they send it back to their home country, back to their families. They don’t use it, for example, to write checks to local charities, the United Way and others. It’s just a different priority based on who they are. And let me be clear, I’m not saying their priorities are off. For them, their priorities may be on. They might be spot on and they might be in the right direction and the right instincts. But the reality is the lack of a border.
Fentanyl is now killing 100,000 Americans. About 99,000 of them are young men. There’s a few older men and a few women, but it’s mostly a drug that’s sent from Mexico, excuse me, sent from China, the constituent parts and managed by the cartels and brought into the country and killing Americans. That’s the border. Whatever number you want to put on it.
There are tens of thousands of girls sex trafficked across the border, okay? If you’re a liberal, you should care about this. The people that are dying and that are being trafficked, these are terrible things, right? So you should care. It’s not a conservative thing. It shouldn’t be. And then the economy is off, and all the other things are off. I mean, it’s just a terrible disaster.
But if you just care about the sex trafficking and you just care about the drug overdose, just those two, you should be up in arms and we should be having, I’m for this, now. Let’s go ahead and annex Mexico. Let’s just call them the Commonwealth of Mexico, like Puerto Rico, and just put them in the country. Might as well. We might as well, at this point. We’d be better served to get control that way and then go down and clear out the cartels. Or better yet, just don’t even annex anything and just clear out the cartels.
Drone the cartels. Bomb the cartels, until they stop sex trafficking, smuggling people who are risking their lives and drugs, until they stop those just bomb them all the time until they stop.
That’s what you need to know. Number one issue. It’s the number one issue, and it should be the number one issue. We should bring it up. We should bring it up. Because the failure of the Biden administration must lead to a change in the next administration, in the next Congress. They have to be hardline on this issue. They cannot hide from it. It is the number one issue facing this country right now, is the control of the border and somehow, not somehow, clearly stopping, having the will to do it, stopping the narco terrorism and the cartels and the control. That’s what you need to know.
All right, we’ll take a break. When we come back, we will talk with Jerome Kersey. Jerome Kersey. Wow, that’s funny. Jerome Kersey’s a basketball player. Jerome Corsi, Dr. Jerome Corsi as well as Todd Bensman. Be right back.
It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. We will be back in a moment.