The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report with Ed Martin.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together. Thank you for tuning in. If you’re tuning in on Rumble, I’m here in the Rumble DC studio. If you’re on Salem Radio network or other of our great carriers of the program. Thank you for tuning in. Please visit
I’m doing this show just hours before RFK Jr’s announcement. Which, he looks like he and his running mate will step out of the presidential race and have some role, maybe some endorsement of Donald Trump.
But I tell you that because on you can sign up to follow me there. I have. I write regular essays and two or three nights ago I was up late and I said, you know what? Let me, let me put out here what I think RFK Jr could do for the Donald Trump presidency. If there’s a second term of Trump, because. RFK Jr has shown himself to be really liberal on a bunch of issues, so I I can’t say that I really like some of his policies.
I like his attitude. I like how he stood up to the Democrats. He showed how rigged the system was. He’s as someone said on X today, he was Bernie Sanders. This year. You know, Bernie Sanders, last time they Rigged it against him and they knocked him out. This time they did. It’s RFK Jr. And so I liked all that.
I like how he stands up on COVID. I love his writing. His book on Fauci. If you look at that book, it was published by my friends, Tony Lyons over at Skyhorse Publishing. It’s extraordinary. What doctor Fauci did over the last 30 years in terms of controlling patents, making money for scientists, it’s not exactly what you expect the government to do. And then we followed him down the COVID primrose path. And RFK Jr was just honest about it, brutally honest about what was going on. So I like all that.
But I don’t want RFK Jr in charge of a Cabinet Department in on a second President Trump. I don’t trust him on some policies. And so I wrote this, this post which if you go to you can read it and sign up for the emails. There you’ll get them sent to you and I wrote this the other night. I said he should be in charge of a Truth Commission.
You know, in South Africa after they broke apartheid, they had a Truth Commission. And actually Jack Posobiec over on X, he said something about there should be a Commission on assassinations. Since RFK Jr’s father and uncle were assassinated, we know Donald Trump had an attempted assassination. We now know sort of, that some Problems happened with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. They’ve suspended some agents and all, but we don’t really know what’s going on because we’re not getting to the bottom of it. So, Posobiek said, make a Commission on Assassinations.
My idea was a truth Commission. Give it a one year, maybe 15 month window. You know, schedule it so it’s not going to go on forever. It’s not going to be Lingering out there and send RFK Jr around the country on COVID get to the bottom of COVID and the assassination attempt. Get to the bottom of that, on January 6th, get to the bottom of that and use it as a way to restore trust in the American people for their government. Anyway, I wrote that on on That’s a long way to say go to and sign up there.
Well, listen, before we get into the program, we’ve got a fascinating program. We’re gonna talk to my friend Martha Byrne. Martha Byrne. In the first segment, Martha McMahon in the second segment. It’s the same person, but she has a reason why her name is famous as Martha Byrne. But it’s who she is as Martha McMahon that she got married to a guy named McMahon, a cop, which is part of the story. Then we’ll talk with John Schlafly and get an update on from John Schlafly in the Schlafly Report about where the election is going.
But first. Let me tell you about Kamala Harris. As a House of Cards, as Kamala Harris.
I never saw that show. The House of Cards. I never saw that show. I think I saw one part of the opening episode. It wasn’t my wasn’t my interest. I don’t didn’t watch TV. Certainly not. Don’t watch much TV at all, but even at that time. So I don’t even know that show that has to do with Washington, DC or Veep. And I never saw Veep. Either I you know, I just don’t watch TV. But I know what a House of Cards is.
And when I was a boy, there was nothing I enjoyed more than taking a deck of cards and trying to build it up as high as you could. Right it was. It was a fun game, especially when we were stuck inside on a rainy day and we didn’t have video games to play necessarily we didn’t. So you build a House of Cards. And what you realized was, as long as it stood the House of Cards looked pretty solid. It looked like all the cards had, you know, they had, they were, you know, cardboard. They had enough strength to stand there. They weren’t. You weren’t putting weights on top of it. It wasn’t one of these games where you, you had to put the cards on the top. It was just piled as high as you could and put a base and build it up. If one of those cards slipped, the whole thing came tumbling down. And let me tell you how Kamala Harris is a House of Cards.
Number one is she is stuck with the policies of Joe Biden. And as much as she wants to run from the policies of Joe Biden, she’s not just stuck with them. They’re worse every Day. So inflation is still impacting people every day. Ask a mom or dad. Or a school teacher about what it’s like as these kids come back to school. And they realize that the supplies that they buy, pencils and paper and all, not the books, the books are always expensive or sometimes expensive. You know, you you can sometimes get the books on a on a used book market or there’s a share at school or something or even the library. But when it comes to buying paper and notepads and pencils and erasers, inflation has hit all that stuff. It’s not just at the grocery store, it’s at the it’s at the the school books store and where you’re buying paper, and it’s hitting every Family. Gas prices still up. So she can’t run from the policies.
The border, the border, you say? Well, ohh. You know, we’re we’re stuck with the borders. Got 20 million people, 20 million illegals in this country. And by the way, they’re not really illegal, because what Biden has done is used an app that Harris and Biden were in charge of that allows people to have a status, have status in the country as a, as someone who is seeking asylum. So they’re not technically illegal in the same way as when you sneak across the border, but they never show up for their hearings. They’re lying about why they’re here. They don’t really have the need for this kind of status. You know, the status is supposed to be for somebody that’s actually in jeopardy, not just they have learned the phrases. Which is what happens. They learn the phrases to get this migrant status from American nonprofits that get American tax dollars to go and do it. It’s a racket. It’s a racket. Those are the policies that Kamala Harris is stuck with.
The economy, the, the Fed and the Fed. Chairman Powell are frantic. They’re trying to figure out a way to lower rates. So you can feel better, but they know they’re gonna put the country into a recession, or they’re headed to a recession. They don’t know what to do. They’ve had to readjust. They’ve had to adjust the Labor Statistics to show that they were lying in the last six months about the number of jobs, and now there’s some some coverage that they may be lying about, all the jobs, meaning the jobs numbers are completely fabricated in general because they’re still holding on to jobs that may may have been created during COVID that were lies. So she’s stuck with his policies. OK, House of Cards.
She’s also stuck with how Life in her own party has become. This is not the party of Bill Clinton, who said make abortions safe, legal and rare. They had a truck outside of Chicago that would do abortions. They have Hamas supporting protesters outside of the Chicago Convention protesting against Israel. These are not moderates. They have people taking the stage. Who are supporting men competing in women’s sports or boys competing in girls sports however you want to Think of it. The the extreme nature of these policies, you can’t hide from those policies. You can’t hide from the Democrat party stance for very long, for for the next 73 plus days, the last one is her. You know, there’s been coverage that she has an alcohol problem. I have no idea. I have. No, no, no. I have no facts to back that up. Except I have the observation that she is sometimes a pretty average speaker, but, you know, experienced enough and other times looks like she’s impaired in some way. And she’s gonna have to do interviews. She’s gonna have to on September 10th. Do a debate with Trump, probably do another debate. And here’s what you’re seeing already. This is the House of Cards that you can see already.
The polls were lying. As soon as she got in the race, the polls, they started over sampling the New York Times Siena poll. That’s one of the ones that was famously like, ohh, look at how she’s surging. The political director for the Trump campaign, he didn’t argue that he thought it was bad. He looked at the numbers and he said, here’s the numbers. They’re oversampling Democrats. They’re oversampling people that wouldn’t be likely voters in this case, they’re they’re they’re rigging the polls.
So the polls are now coming back down. They’re not coming back down. They were never up. They’re coming back to reality. And the reality is she’s new at doing almost negligibly better than than Biden was, but not really. And the bottom is falling out. So my point is this.
Watch as the House of Cards falls.
It was coverage briefly of Obama and others being dissatisfied with the fact that Kamala rushed to consolidate to be the nominee. They went quiet, they all fell in line. But I think as the House of Cards tumbles, you’re going to see real, real fear of what’s coming because she’s not popular. Her, her vice president, is now unpopular, especially with military he’s lied about his family status. He’s lied about his military record. It’s not a good look. Although vice presidents don’t matter except insofar as they reflect on what the presidential candidate or the president would be doing in terms of decisions. So Kamala Harris. Is a House of Cards.
And when it comes tumbling down, it doesn’t happen. You know, one stage by one, it just goes. And when it goes all the way down, you’re going to see some real panic. You’re going to see panic like you haven’t seen since they forced Joe Biden off of the ticket, and that’s what you need to know. Check it out, We’ll be right back with Martha. Return back in a moment.