The University of California, Berkeley has a reputation for absurd liberal stunts, but their new “Undocumented Student Program” is almost crazier than anything yet. USP (Undocumented Student Program) teaches students and faculty who are illegal immigrants how to hide from and fight back against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The program is complete with a webpage, flashy infographics, legal assistance, and even a “rapid response” hotline where students can report ICE sightings and keep illegals informed about federal activity!
An infographic tells students what to do “if ICE comes to your door.” Don’t open it! Claim to right to remain silent. Don’t sign anything. Report the raid. And lawyer up – it tells illegals. Berkeley’s USP also provides special academic counseling, mental health support, legal support, and even special financial aid and grants, all for illegal immigrants. The University even includes an “Undocumented Students” option under citizenship question on their application. Of course, this application question isn’t racist or repugnant to liberals like a 2020 Census citizenship question would be.
Berkeley laughably still calls itself the birthplace of free speech. From ANTIFA riots to school programs like USP, they have proven not only to be a hotbed of censorship and intellectual intolerance, but also a hub of lawlessness and anti-government activity. One has to wonder how much these efforts to block federal laws and agents must cost? The Trump Administration should take a look and reconsider any federal funding going to colleges and universities who so blatantly ignore and subvert the rule of law.
Fixing our broken immigration system must include a critical look at cities, states, and institutions like UC Berkeley who incentivize foreign individuals to break our laws. It’s not just a matter of building the wall. We must cut off the handouts that immigrants know they can get whether they come through the front door or not.
It’s time for the federal government to start yanking federal dollars. It’s a gross offense to our republic that taxpayers are forced to fund this civil invasion. Do you know where your federal and state legislators stand on giving state and federal tax dollars to schools who promote anti-government programs? Call them and find out!