What You Need to Know about the politics of mask mandates! This week we saw the mask mandate lift on public transportation. Here are two headlines that came out just this week to show how fickle our leadership can be — DOJ appeals federal ruling on transportation mask mandate, Philadelphia to end mask mandate, days after reinstating it. President Biden, CDC, and Philadelphia all know they can’t enforce mask mandates anymore because it’s just wrong! But they don’t want to say that. We the People do have control! And this proves it.
Dr. Ted Malloch—author, historian, businessman, professor, and frequent contributor for American Greatness, shares his recent story — Flipping France: A Marine Le Pen victory on Sunday would flip off the globalist crowd worldwide. Dr. Malloch explains the difference between America’s and France’s political systems. He shares that there’s very little chance for error or cheating because they have to vote in person. Be sure to check out his books and more of his articles at TedMalloch.com.
Todd Bensman, author of America’s Covert Border Warand Senior National Security Fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies, shares one of his recent podcasts — Mexican Border States Cry ‘Uncle’, Cut Immigration Deals with Texas. Todd tells us that the administration came out saying that they are having to prepare for 18,000 migrants a day and that is something beyond the American experience. This is very worrisome and there are Democrats who are coming out against lifting the title 42.
What You Need to Do is Utilize Todd Bensman and CIS.org as your go-to site for understanding the immigration issues.