In What You Need to Know, Trump threatens to close border, saying Mexico ‘all talk and no action’ on immigration; Armed forces escort tanker hijacked by rescued migrants to Malta; Mexican president to Trump: Don’t look at us, migrants are not our problem;
Mason Weaver on his site; Even if people think Trump is a racist they still get to enjoy his tax cuts;
Ngu Alons survived the Cambodian Killing Fields. She shares her story in how she sees where America will be heading if we are not careful;
Jeremy Mahugh of on putting an end to human trafficking;
In Swamp News, Miami will host first Democratic 2020 debates.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, 50% approval rating, Cernovich;
Michael Kanis, author of The Hidden Message of the Great Seal;
Abby Johnson on her movie Unplanned;
Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Chipping Away at Planned Parenthood;
In Your Turn, Ed will speak at the 13th World Congress of Families and the theme is Wind of Change: Europe and the Pro-Family Union.