In What You Need to Know, Sidney Powell on Judge in Flynn’s sentencing; Austin Bay on his book Cocktails from Hell; Jim Hoft of on General Flynn and on the border wall; CBS’s Les Moonves not getting $120 million severance; In Swamp News, Mueller releases memo summarizing FBI’s interview with Michael Flynn.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, good luck Flynn, biggest outrage, immigration $200 billion a year, social media bias, Chris Steele; If Flynn had money he would fight off these bullies; In Heartland Heroes, Jordan Henry shares stories about A LUCKY BREAK: MAN USES CAST ON HIS ARM TO GET INTO A HOUSE AND SAVE NEIGHBOR FROM FIRE and Nonprofit spreads holiday cheer by replacing hospital gowns with hero capes; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Globalists Tanking Across the Globe; In Your Turn, zerohedge has headlines; Trade wars.