Raj Shah of the White House on Donald Trump: Democrats ‘Medicare for All’ plan will demolish promises to seniors
Karna Small Bodman on her novel Trust But Verify
Juan Hidalgo Jr. gives an update on his congressional race
In Eagle Action, help grassroots candidates by getting out the vote
In Swamp News, How Republicans could (barely) hang on to the House: Unlikely? Definitely. Impossible? No.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, only thing keeping Tester alive, capitalizing Country, Andy Biggs, Beto O’Rourke, #JobsNotMobs,
An update on the caravan of illegals;
Kelly McKinney on his book Moment of Truth: The Nature of Catastrophes and How to Prepare for Them;
Professor of Political Science emeritus at California State University, San Bernardino Edward Erler on birthright citizenship;
In Your Turn, Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii weighing 2020 presidential bid.