Show Notes:
Ed’s wonderful friend Harold Petry who volunteered to help with his campaign a few years ago; Birthright citizenship; In The War Room, a rundown of the important senate races; Any plan that goes to Medicare for all bankrupts Medicare; Gregg Keller on Project Veritas’ Claire McCaskill video and Claire saying this type of reporting should be a crime; In Swamp News, ‘We’re getting our asses kicked’: Republicans massively out-raised in election homestretch.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Dave Bratt, open borders, video of immigrants, and pre-existing conditions; Post gave a second opinion writer an ultimatum on Saudi Arabia; ‘Not In Vein’: America’s Terrifying Drug Problem Documentary; Ed’s wife tried to poison him by leaving something strange in his car; Sign up for The Red State Report by emailing