The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome. Welcome, welcome! Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together. I’m going to give you everything you need to know what you need to know right now on that crazy, crazy Joe Biden’s speech and what to do about it. So hang in there for that.
In a few moments, we will hear from the great John Schlafly about his weekly column about the border and so much more. And Adam Andrzejewski breaks a story, big story, it’s being lost in the aftermath, the Joe Biden lunatic speech aftermath. But you ought to check it out. Adam Andrzejewski this week has the checkbook for California and it shows basically that Governor Newsom uses his government, uses his governor’s role to get a lot of campaign contributions. It also, by the way, makes it look to me more and more like Newsom is the next guy running for president. We’ll talk about that in a few moments because Joe Biden’s career is ending and ending fast. But we’ll get all that.
Also, by the way, you talk about journalism and value. This has been a great week for Project Veritas and James O’Keefe. Two big stories breaking on one teacher administrator and another on anti-Catholic rhetoric from a key place. Check out Project Veritas and James O’Keefe as always. And we’ll visit about that.
By the way, visit and sign up there for the daily email. The daily email is called What You Need to Know, and it is the WYNK. What You Need to Know. And let me tell you what you need to know today.
If you watched Joe Biden’s speech on Thursday night, and then if you looked at the commentators afterwards, let me just say it was a terrible speech, meaning it was scary, it was poorly delivered, the imagery was bad. Now, I think that the political types with Joe Biden thought, hey, let’s scare the people. Let’s scare the voters so that we can get them to the polls. I think that’s part fear is a great motivator in politics. In fact, it’s one of the best.
If you can get people afraid, they’ll move, right? to the polls. So that’s one thing I’ve heard a lot of commentating about the fact that it really was a speech that was aimed at sort of defining Trump so they could indict Trump and all that. I don’t think that’s it.
I think this was written and it was the continuation of the experts who got hired by Biden who came up with ultra MAGA. Remember that ultra MAGA was supposed to be bad. They quickly realized that Trump supporters liked it even more, but they came along here to semi fascist and then they gave this speech that called people a threat to the, clear and present danger was what Joe Biden said Trump ism and his supporters are.
Now two things. One, he went way too far and he’s not a good speech giver at this point. He looks literally like an angry old man who’s a bit dottering and is yelling at you to get off his lawn, except the background and the office make it really haunting. And you see online #pedoHitler as the hashtag that’s gone all over the place because he looks like a creepy dude saying Nazi like stuff. But here’s the key.
They just ended, his staff and himself, they just ended Joe Biden’s career. He will not be running for president. If he ever was considering it. I think he was. He’s not running now. They also made it clear, and it will be whipping back on them that Republicans win in the fall. Okay? So those two things are happening.
And all across the country, leading Democrats Gavin Newsom, others woke up and said, okay, I can run for president now, because he looked unhinged. He looked unstable. He looked off. I think he was supposed to, as I heard a commentator say, I think Biden was supposed to give that speech with lots of seriousness, kind of like Obama. Now, let me brainstorm.
And as John Schlafly has been apt to say recently, he likes the word spitball. Let me spitball this one.
I think around Joe Biden at the highest levels are the key Obama people. Susan Rice. Lisa Monaco. Over at the CIA, that, the CIA director, or is it the DNI for America? Her name is April I forget how you say your last name, but those three are the key people who are in charge of the Biden administration. It is true. Avril Haines. Avril, not April, Avril Haines. Okay, so Avril Haines is along with Susan Rice and Lisa Monico. Susan Rice is in the White House, Director of Domestic Policy. Avril Haynes is the Director of National Intelligence, which is over the CIA, over all the intelligence, right, it’s the coordinator. And Lisa Monaco is the number two at the department of justice. And the number two under an old, very older gentleman judge. And if you know anything about judges, they don’t do anything. They think and read and talk, especially an appeals judge, which is what Merrick Garland was. They don’t do much. So the number two that’s in charge is the one who does everything. That’s who’s doing everything, and that’s Lisa Monica. So those three are Obama hands, right? They’re Obama people. And so they wrote a speech that would have been if Obama had delivered it, he would have delivered it cool. And he would have said, look at this, these threats out there. And it would have worked to send a signal, but it wouldn’t have seemed like a lunatic, which is what Joe Biden did. Now, last point on this, what you need to know, by the way, they gave an Obama speech.
They wrote an Obama speech, set up an Obama setting, and then they ended up with Joe Biden. They ended up with what was the movie where it was a Clint Eastwood that was yelling at the guy, his neighbor. Was it El Camino? Is that the movie? I think it was. That’s what they ended up with. They thought they were getting Obama and they ended up with El Camino. Right? They thought they had Obama and instead Gran Torino. Gran Torino is the movie. And so they thought they were getting Obama and they got Gran Torino and it’s a loser. It’s a loser.
And so Biden’s career is over.
Also, Republicans will turn out times a million. And here’s why. Here’s what you need to know. It’s very important. This is the most important part. There is a part of that speech that is meant to goad the worst, goad each of us into doing the worst that’s in our heart. When someone calls you nasty names, you’re naturally going to not like it, and you’re naturally going to want to fight back. And you have to resist the temptation to give in to your lesser angels in this moment because that’s kind of what they want to do. They kind of want to use the people that are unhealthy and unwell and make it seem like that’s all of us.
And look, there’s always on every side, there’s always somebody who’s unhealthy and unwell and we shouldn’t excuse the behavior when they go too far. But in this case, we the people and the vast majority of the Americans looked up and said, that is not acceptable for us to see you do to this country, to this citizen, Joe Biden, you went too far. And what will happen?
What you need to know is stay cool, stay angry. We all should be angry that if you’re a Trumpist, if you’re America first, you’ve been called terrible names by the President of the United States. He didn’t attack the policies. He didn’t say the policies are misguided. If you have tariffs on China, you’ll destroy the economy. If you’re too nice to oligarchs, it’ll hurt the future. He didn’t say the failure to support Ukraine in every single way is a threat to the world. He didn’t say anything about policies. He said the people who belong to the party believe in Trumpism. Those people are a clear and present danger.
We haven’t had a president ever do that. And so you should be angry, you should be upset, you should be hurt, you should be offended. All those things are true. But you should understand. It was a gross miscalculation. It was an error, it was evil.
And we should not make it worse or actually, in this case, make it bad for us. The only person at the end of the speech in this country that was worse off when that speech was over last night was Joe Biden.
His career and his life. He’ll be known for nothing else.
He’s really stooped to a level and it is like sending out a dottering old man and they just didn’t do it right. They abused him. Somewhere, I don’t know if they were laughing about it, but they’re like, we had enough of this. We will either get Kamala or we’ll get Gavin Newsom and we’ll see what we can do. We’ll move on. They really use that guy, and he deserves it. I mean, he’s a grown man. I’m not saying he somehow should be excused, although he is kind of addled.
But what you need to know, it was an evil speech. It was terrible for a president to do. You should be offended. You should be hurt, you should be angry, but you should be very careful about what you do next.
You should be very careful about people who talk about civil war. None of that is on the table. None of that is real. None of that is anything that has to do, what we had is the president of the United States do something that nobody could ever imagine last night. On Thursday night, the president of the United States gave a speech where he insulted we the people, but the answer to that is not to fall for their rhetoric and race into the abyss of negativity and sickness.
No, we’d be gracious, remember, and get to the polls and be clear eyed about it. All right, that’s it.
I got to run. I got to run. We’re out of time we’ll be back in a moment with John Schlafly. And also we will, of course, as I mentioned, we will visit also with our friend Adam Andrzejewski. Right? Be right back. Be right back. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Back in a moment.