The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together and looking forward to another great. Show great program please. Please do me a favor. Do yourself a favor. Do everyone a favor and go on over to Pro sign up for the daily e-mail the Daily Wynk. What you need to know. It will come into your inbox at 8:00 AM East Coast Time. Couple of links, couple of stories and a WYNK, 100, 250 words to explain what you need to know what you need to know first thing in the morning. It helps a lot. You’re gonna want that. Everybody says it’s great and you want it too? sign up there.
Welcome to the Pro America Report. I’m Ed Martin. It’s great to be with you. I’m, I’m excited. I’m up on the hill. I’m in the swamp, not of the swamp. And I’ve got a series of meetings that are going on this week up on the hill. I’ll be able to report on some of it tomorrow. We’ll see a lot of it I can’t report on, but I trust me on this. There are some people that want to fight back and fight to drain the swamp, not enough, not enough, but some. We will get to some of that coming.
In a few moments, we’ll update from the border. Our friend Todd Bensman is down on the border in in Texas on the Texas border. I think he he’s either in Texas or Mexico. He’s right there. He’ll give us an update on what’s happening down there.
We’ll also touch base with Mike Davis, noted attorney and activist, about the Donald Trump. Indictment saga. A motion that the Trump defense filed a few days ago. A day and a half ago about when to do this trial and and. Arguing that they a a trial before the election would be election interference. Actually, that’s not what it says. It says it would be impossible to get a fair trial in that time period because it’d be so much. Scrutiny and so much attention. So I will talk with Mike Davis.
But first what you need to know and you know what you need to know. Today’s Wynk. I have to say, when you look out on what’s happening in this country and you say to yourself. What? What is it? That’s happening and how how have have things changed?
One of the most traumatic shifts. In the in the country, in terms of the politics, in terms of the leadership has been our partisan understanding, our partisan support of War and overseas entanglements. It used to be. Just required that Republicans, as almost part of their platform, they were the Republican Party was the war party. It was the party that, you know, hey, we we’re gonna beat the Soviets by being militarily superior. That was Phyllis Schlafly’s teaching. My old boss. We’re going to beat the Soviets not by this. Ohh, let’s let’s trust the Soviets to be. You know, nice people, detente. And let’s not let’s not pretend if we just get along with the Soviets, it’ll all play out. No, the Republican position was build up our military be so darn strong that our allies will be reassured and our enemies will be afraid to mess with us. And that we thought strength and including, you know, sort of the ability to quickly strike and to do it was Republican was the conservative stance. I’m not sure it Was, by the way, just saying that’s what it was 25 years ago. That was the position. You couldn’t be an anti war Republican. You just couldn’t. The Democrats, though, and especially after George W Bush got us into the overseas wars, the Democrat Party had a positioning. They were positioned mostly because they were in opposition to W as the peace party. Cindy Sheehan, remember her protesting and tying. I don’t know. I don’t know. She tied herself up or whatever tied herself to things she was protesting for peace.
And largely attributed attributable to Donald Trump. The Republican Party has completely become the party of Anti War. You can call it isolationist, isolationist and that would have been a name that they gave to the Republican Party. Some of the Republican Party stalwarts back in the right around the World War Two, but but after World War Two, the the, you know, the isolationists, the anti interventionists were shamed as the bombs fell in Pearl Harbor, they were shamed to go away. Charles Lindbergh, who was widely respected in some of his colleagues and thought to be a serious guy, and he was an American hero. He was largely against war in Europe and and and he was had not just egg on his face, but the way they characterized him blood on his hands for the Pearl Harbor. And the fact that then and, and they blame them, they used that as a political cudgel. But by the time World War Two was over and the Naziism was so obvious and so horrendous as a world in in world history. The positioning became that the the party against war were the lefties. Vietnam, and you know, hippies. And then W Bush. There wasn’t the war in in the First Gulf War was so fast, it was almost nobody could be against it fast enough. But it shifted and it shifted attributably largely to Trump.
And we said, conservatives, we don’t want any more wars. We said we try, we’ve seen what it’s like to spend trillions to try to, you know, export American, our republicanism or our Democratic Republic or any of these ideas is. And it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work in Libya. It doesn’t work in. In the in in the. Middle East in general. It doesn’t even work in Europe. We can’t get. Our thing to spread and we can’t spend enough money and and put enough energy into. It and so the position has largely been don’t bother with the wars down to today. And there are more Republicans and conservatives who would say I’m not. I just had a conversation with one. I’m not interested in helping the corrupt Ukrainians fight the corrupt Russians. That’s the. And that’s what people say. You can quibble with the details.
And then you go down and what you need to know is that the parties, the uniparty has become those for war, everywhere, anywhere. My recent study that came out, I forget now. I’ll try to find the paperwork while we’re talking. But it said if you go inside and and look at the sources, the think tanks that have been referenced about the Ukrainian war, the war in Ukraine, 85% of the think tanks have received support from the military industrial complex. The ones that that they’re saying, hey, we gotta fight. This is a big deal. You gotta stop this. Ukrainian, the the war. The aggression against Ukraine, people that are getting paid by the military industrial complex, warned about it by Eisenhower, who was a moderate Republican, a moderate conservative thought to be a wise man. And warned us on his way out. Probably the most famous farewell message since George Washington and by another general. But we’re at this point here where the Republican Party is largely, if you’re Lindsey Graham and you want war, war, war, you’re out of touch with the Republican Party. It’s it’s just true. And I think our nation. Which brings us to this.
Four, I don’t know. Five years there has been a international. Movement to ban what’s called cluster munitions, which is a kind of conventional weapon that acts as a sort of cluster bomb, but it also the way the cluster bomb works is it ends up inevitably leaving lots of cluster. It goes to a place and it blows up, and as it the parts blow up, it’s. Not just scrap shrapnel. The parts are themselves munitions. And it becomes inevitably. When it’s used. In these foreign wars in Africa and wherever Asia. That it leaves behind what effectively are explosive mines, little mines, and it’s particularly devastating for for non combatants lay people not not the not the fighters. And so we have banned it and we have said we wouldn’t use it. We said it’s cruel it’s and, we are so powerful we could put a bomb in your pocket. We could land a rocket in your pocket if We had to, America. And we’re not going to use these messy munition things that are basically just terror. They’re terrorist conventional weapons, meaning they create terror. They’re terror, creating not terrorists, they’re terror, creating weapons. And so. What? because Joe Biden wants so much.To to further the war and further war fighting, we’re giving those weapons these cluster landmines, these cluster bomb landmine creators, to the Ukrainians with a straight face, Joe Biden, who has been against it before and so has Trump, so have others. Because why? Because we have a a set of people who have to continue the building the the fighting of wars and and by the way, many of us have said soon as this war is over, we will spend trillions of dollars to rebuild Ukraine. And when I say we. I mean you. And me, American citizens. We just welcomed Sweden into NATO. They’ll start underpaying their obligation, just like the other members of NATO.
What you need to know is. It’s it’s more than embarrassing. That Joe Biden just did that.
I’m not against having our leaders. Be perceived, our president being perceived, even our leadership in the House as people that are sort of willing to do anything to protect the country. You know, they used to say with Trump, they’d say the the foreign leaders thought he was just kind of crazy enough. He’s like Lethal Weapon. Like Mel Gibson’s Character in lethal weapon. You’re like he he’s just crazy enough. He might do something, and Trump said something like I I I told Putin I’ll just put one bomb 1 Nuke 1, Nuke in Moscow and Trump laughed and said he wasn’t sure if I meant it, but didn’t matter. I’m not against that. Because, and Biden could be like that too. What I’m against is when it’s not in our national interest to betray our principles, and that’s what Biden just did. Terrible. That’s what you need to know.
We got to take a break, Ed Martin here in The Pro America Report we’ll be back in a moment.