What You Need to Know is the Second Cold War with China isn’t new — it’s been happening for 25 years!Through a quarter century of trade and partnership with China, they have continually stolen our intellectual property, forced tech transfers, coerced the market, tied up international institutions in their favor, and participated in the killing of 50,000 Americans through illicit fentanyl. Now we’re supposed to believe their story on the Wuhanvirus? We must judge them by their actions — over a quarter century of abuse.
Ted Malloch talks about the Wuhanvirus situation throughout Europe and his latest column: President Trump’s Great Tradeoff. Where does the medical data and economic data intersect?
Mickey Kaus, author of The End of Equality, discusses a conservative view of virus lockdown, plus what’s happening on immigration during this pandemic — there are ups and downs.
Wrap up: Trump vs Congress, also — Swamp outsider Michael Pack’s confirmation blocked!