What You Need to Know is the Democrat disaster continues. From old timer Joe to old comrade Bernie, the Democrat primary (like their party) is falling into disarray and chaos. If the Dems end up with a brokered convention (which is the only way they can stop Bernie), it will be the end of their party for 20 years.
Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann discusses the Iowa Caucuses, trade, tariffs, farmers, and what that means for both Democrats and Republicans moving forward.
John Schlafly delivers this week’s #SchlaflyReport: Antidotes Needed for Coronavirus.
Wrap up: Famous phrase from Eric Hoffer — “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” Well-time phrase for modern moment. Our nation was founded as a great cause, a movement. It grew into the business of governing. The danger is when that business devolves into a racket. I’m struck by this when I see how fmr Amb. Marie Yovanovitch is cashing in on her diplomatic career with a seven-figure book deal.