What You Need to Know is General Flynn is America’s Future! General Mike Flynn is the new chairman for America’s Future, a non-profit organization. Flynn is ready to fight for a better America for future generations and It’s a great privilege that he would take on this role. Visit AmericasFuture.net to learn more.
Todd Bensman, author, and reporter, shares his recent article, ‘Got-Aways’ at the Border. Todd explains the lack of coverage on the border recently. Nothing has changed, if anything it’s gotten worse yet no one wants to report it. Check out his work at ToddBensman.com.
Dr. Brett Decker, professor at Defiance College, author, explains Israel’s and Iran’s relationship and their attacks against each other. Dr. Decker talks about the media and their terrible reporting and also gives updates on other major countries.
Wrap Up: Happy Mother’s Day!