In What You Need to Know, the state of The State of the Union; Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment on his article DON’T IMPORT FOREIGN PRICE CONTROLS; BREAK THEM; Jim Hoft of on CNN being tipped off about the raid of Roger Stone; Jussie Smollett MAGA Assault; MYSTERY: NO pictures from first Ginsburg ‘public appearance’ since surgery?; In Swamp News, Jeff Bezos’ Super Bowl Fumble.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, human wall, Schumer criticizing unseen SOTU speech, lunar new year, Teflon Don; Tim Schmidt President & CEO of United States Concealed Carry Association on anti-gun bills; In Heartland Heroes, Jordan Henry shares stories about Meet the woman who rented hotel rooms for homeless in Chicago during dangerous polar vortex and POLICE IN MISSISSIPPI TOWN ISSUING REPLACEMENT VOUCHERS INSTEAD OF TICKETS FOR BROKEN CAR LIGHTS; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Trump Derails the Marrakech Express; In Your Turn, RBG missed last year’s SOTU.