In What You Need to Know, the caravan is stopping because the border is strong; Joe Duggan on Big Media’s Power Games and the Khashoggi Affair; Jim Hoft of on WikiLeaks, Twitter bans; Kimberly Fletcher of; In Swamp News, remember when The Guardian destroyed their reputation.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, phony witch hunt, Mueller not a saint, Cindy Hyde-Smith, General Motors; Lawyer Will Chamberlain on Twitter bans and Julian Assange; Jordan Henry of Heartland Heroes shares stories of Golden Corral customer helps save choking baby and ‘Dear Serviceman’: Veteran Meets Stranger Whose Letter ‘Got Him Through’ Vietnam; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: John Bolton Channels Phyllis Schlafly; In Your Turn, the Phyllis Schlafly Christmas Festival is coming up.