Polls prove it is a Trump red wave; Kanye met with Trump to talk big topics like prison reform;
Sebastian Gorka on his book Why We Fight: Defeating America’s Enemies – With No Apologies
Christianity First, Pastor Brunson released, and Catholic Archbishop of DC resigns
Eagle Action: Go see Gosnell and share gosnellmovie.com with your friends and family
In Swamp News, In Swamp News, Postal Service unveils price hikes, denies they’re meant to hurt Amazon.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Pastor Brunson, Kid Rock at White House signing of Music Modernization Act
Andy Schlafy on how Ruth Bader Ginsburg is already changing her behavior now that Kavanaugh has been sworn in. Ginsburg Temporarily Blocks Ross Deposition in Census Lawsuit
Dr. Michael Brown on his book Donald Trump is Not My Savior: An Evangelical Leader Speaks His Mind About the Man He Supports as President
Heartland Heroes with Jordan Henry
In Your Turn, ‘We are fine’: Melania Trump dismisses gossip about marriage.