In What You Need to Know, Drain the Swamp: POTUS takes on the establishment Intelligence experts; Jane Petry silenced but Facebook is making record profits; Hans von Spakovsky, American attorney and a former member of the Federal Election Commission, on the dangers of H.R. 1; How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World: Preface; In Swamp News, How Kamala Harris Won the Rollout Primary.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, great intel meeting, open China markets, China’s top trade negotiators, a wall is a wall, sections of wall built, books about Trump; Fed signals end to interest rate increases; Ngu Alons survived the Cambodian Killing Fields. She shares her story in how she sees where America will be heading if we are not careful; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Feminist Logic Comes Full Circle; In Your Turn, Ted Cruz’s El Chapo Act to help pay for the wall.