The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America report. Great to be together as always. And I encourage you, excuse me, to head over to Pro America, and sign up there for the daily. The e-mail that you get every morning goes at 8:00 AM, East Coast, 5:00 AM Pacific, everywhere in between. You can get the WYNK. It’s called what the daily e-mail is called the WYNK. What you need to know from Ed Martin’s Pro America report so tune in there. Sign up. easy sign up. I promise. I don’t sell or rent or even trade your e-mail address with anyone. Just to send you the WYNK. And you’ll be happy to get a couple links, couple stories and one key point. The key point hopefully is something that you hadn’t been thinking about and you’ll understand why. It’s something that you need to know.
So today on this segment, of course, we start off the radio program with the WYNK and in a moment, we’ll talk with John Schlafly, by the way, get an update from John and a lot more. On the program, including an update later in the show, the last segment segment 4 on the upcoming Eagle Council, about 10 days from now in Saint Louis, you won’t be able to stream it live, but you’ll be able to see parts of it afterwards. What you’re going to want to do so. Look forward to that. The WYNK today’s WYNK.
You know, I started to write this. And I was getting ready to lay out how it is that the title I was going to say was it’s Trump’s party. It’s Trump’s party and the reason why is because there was an an article that was in Politico reporting actually is actually news reporting on a Utah race. There is a vacancy coming open. Now one of the congressman, congressman I. Think it’s Stewart. I’m sorry to admit I can’t remember his first name. He’s retiring because his. Wife is very ill and so he said he had to go. He has to go home and take care of her and very actually a very nice story. Very what I would call normal story for his name is Chris Stewart, Congressman Chris Stewart from Utah. And so he’s resigning. And so they had a special election to replace him.
And there was three, I think 3 candidates running. One of them was Bruce Hough, whose daughter. And son are both famous actresses, Julianne Hough. The dances with the stars, I think. And he’s been on the state party of Utah as a chairman before on the RNC. I got to know him, a very nice man, kind of a quieter guy. Not maybe not a maybe not a a a loud guy, but a good guy. Nice man. But he ran. He came in third, came in second was a former. State representative named Becky Edwards, who had some name ID in the district right a congressional race, a special a special, a special election in a congressional race, is almost entirely about name ID. So this this woman was a state Rep she came in second and who won was Celeste Malloy who was a staffer to Congressman Stewart, which is common right if if the congressman’s retiring especially suddenly in this case cause of health of his wife, then a staffer who has all the INS with the congressman’s people has an inside track, perhaps to run.
But the article covered reporting covered that the woman, the 2nd place, the state Rep. Was an out and out anti Trumper, A never Trumper anti Trumper had run for U.S. Senate against Mike Lee because Mike Lee was too Trumpy. You know out in Utah there’s a chunk of people mostly in the Mormon church the Latter Day Saints. That just don’t like Trump. Some for lots of reasons, I’m not really sure, Romney is the best example, Senator Romney, but so I started to say, oh, well, look, this is the the the answer here is, is Trump’s party. If you’re the Trump candidate in a race, you’re going to win because it’s Trump’s party, and it’s not Trump’s party because he bought it. It’s Trump’s party because of the issues. The issues that are going to win are the MAGA issues, the MAGA intensity, the fight for us stuff, what I would call and I’ve been writing a little bit about this. The Pro America movement, the Pro America sensibility and that, you know, pro America for America, for Americans first for our borders, for pro-life, Pro family. Pro America.
Anyway, so I started to write this story is gonna say, oh, what you need to know today is it’s Trump’s party. It’s Trump’s party. It’s Trump’s party, right. I was gonna say on the issues.
I was on a radio program every Wednesday morning at 7:30 local time, which is in Champaign, Urbana, IL. I appear on I appear. I I, I am on by voice. a radio program. Stevie J excuse me on the ESPN affiliate there and I do about a 20 minute segment, Stevie J myself and Stevie J’s brother who is a guy named Johnny from from New Orleans, from Louisiana and a a businessman and a guy who has supported term limits prominently ran for. I think it was ran for US, Senator. Maybe he just ran the Term limits effort in Louisiana, anyway, we have this great freewheeling conversation for about 25 minutes on the radio in Champaign, Urbana, IL. I enjoy it immensely. It’s at 7:35 central time, 8:35. My time on the East Coast. And so I just love I love talking to these guys. And we were talking yesterday.
And they had this clip of JFK Talking about what he believed, and he sounds like a Republican, and that was their point. And these two, the two brothers, Johnny and Stevie J, and they’re saying this. And I said, well, that’s true. The Democrat Party has gone more and more to the left, there’s no doubt. Right? When you’re all the way to the point where you embrace abortion, abortion until the end of life, that that’s not even remotely the Old Democrat party, which was ethnically a lot of ethnic Democrats, Italian Americans, Irish Americans. And they were Catholics and they were not for abortion, even if they said make it safe and legal and rare, they didn’t want to have it till the end of the of of, of the of the pregnancy. But even more Shocking is the transgender stuff and the and the girls in the lock of the boys in the girls locker room and the boys competing girls sports. This is, the Democrat party Embraces this far left stuff is wild.
But I pointed out to them. While it’s true that the Democrat Party has shifted more and more to the left, it’s also true that. In the last five. Seven years, let’s say since 2015, so maybe maybe make it 8 years since in in eight years.
But the transition only really happened after Trump won. So that was in ’16 and really in in 2017 when he got in office. Because he was able to succeed in his policies, but the Republican Party dramatically shifted.
From 2015 and 16, I was on the Republican National Committee. You know, the the Republican National Committee was beginning yet another push for amnesty for illegals because they thought if we were just nice on amnesty for illegals. We we might just win the Hispanic vote. They’re preparing that thing that they were just they were going. Hey, I know. Let’s not talk about abortion. We don’t want to be pro-life. We’ll never win. That was what they were doing.
And Trump came in and said no, yeah, we’re going to close the borders. We’re going to be for America first. We’re going to be pro-life. We’re going to slap tariffs on the Chinese. That was another thing. In 2015. On the 2013 ’14 and ’15 when I was on the RNC there. There might have been 5 out of 168 people on the Republican National Committee, the governing body of the Republicans. Who would have said let’s use tariffs because you were conditioned by the Republican Party, the status quo, that tariffs were bad for everybody. Well, turns out Trump tried them and they worked, and they’re not bad for anybody. They’re good for America. They’re good, they’re good for the people who know how to use them. The nations that know how to use them.
My point here is. It is Trump’s party on the issues, and that’s the facts. You you look across the board even on some of the issues where I think Trump tried to move the Republican Party in directions, you know, I don’t think you know on on criminal justice when he was in office, a lot of the stuff he was doing was more liberal and more moderate. And not hardline. And I think a lot of people. Still are struggling with that because you say, well, you know on the the one side the far left wants no bail, right. And they want to let anybody who does violent crime in the cities go. And if you as long as you as long as you shoplift less than $1000, is it so in some cities you don’t you get prosecuted. So that’s the limit right then you know you can come in and take anything as long as not more than $1000. Well that that that television’s. $1800 that’s too big, but I’ll take the $900 one. I’ll just walk out with it. But so somewhere along the way, Republicans and Trump was leading on this, that he wanted criminal justice reform. I’m not sure that was an issue that’s totally solid with other Republicans, but. Other than that. He’s moved the party, he moved the party. It’s Trump’s party. If you’re the Trump candidate endorsed in a race, you win the primary. It’s a Republican Party dominated by Trump and Trump’s issues. And I say all that, and I warm up to all that. And then I tell you that when I went to read the article in the Politico which said, Ohh yeah, the headline is Utah Republicans block Trump critic from Congress, it’s not what I saw.
What I saw when you read it. Is that the Pro Trump candidate won out of three.
I mean, I think 2 out of three were pro Trump, only one of them was avidly anti Trump. This this Becky Edwards. But here’s where it’s funny. You got To read all the Way down until they admit that the woman that they think that she was blocked dramatically, state representative Becky Edwards, she voted in 2020 for Biden and. She admitted that. Now let me give you a word of advice. You can’t win a primary. In America, in the Republican Party, if you voted for Obama or you voted for Biden, I mean, I mean, unless you’re opposed. But if you’re running in a competitive primary, you cannot have voted for Joe Biden. That that’s a bridge too far. I mean, there are some people that will say, oh, I was so frustrated with with X or Y candidate by the end of it, you know, governor, so and so Republican. Or even President Trump. I was just I. I just thought, and I really. I cast my vote. I I sat it out or something, still still objectionable. I don’t understand it myself. It doesn’t make sense to me. But when you say ohh yeah, I was so upset. I voted for Biden. Pro Abortion pro transgender you know anti America. Come on, you can’t expect people to suddenly look the other way.
So Politico buries the lede. They try to make the headline about Trump. Why? Because a headline about Trump gets clicks. In fact, I got clicked on it. Utah Republicans block Trump critic from Congress. That’s not what happened. The better headline is Utah Republicans vote And two out of three Republicans who support Trump do fine the one who’s never Trump and voted for Biden didn’t do very well. It’s a bad headline. But anyway, you can see what they’re doing. And it’s funny to see.
But it is Trump’s party. But it’s not in this case much indication if you vote for Biden, you got a different set of problems, right? That’s what you need to know today.
And we’ll take a break. We’ll be right back. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report, back in a moment.