The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report with Ryan Hite.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the Pro America Report. This is Ryan Hite, filling in here today for Mr. Ed Martin again. We are going every which way this week with the Republican National Convention up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ed has been up there serving as well, served as, I suppose the role is done, the deputy Policy director of the GOP platform Committee this year, and boy there has been a lot of activity from last week’s committee meetings to this week’s Convention floor.
The speeches each night. I’d love to dive into it. I think there’s a really important thread and I’m seeing two different versions of it. Two different takes on it from conservative world and and I’d really like to to chime in on this. I’m gonna take a little liberties. I haven’t talked with him about it, but I don’t think I’m too far off base. I I am very confident he would agree. With me on these things, but let me back up real quick. Just just a moment.
We got a great show today. Glad you’re in it with us here at the Pro America Report. Go to That’s where you’re gonna find Ed’s substack. What he’s talking about what he’s doing and you’re going to see the great ways to get into the portal Over to the radio program. You’ll see all the archives. Podcasts, guests, links and resources. Many things over there Of course. You’ll also be able to keep up with Ed’s Daily WYNK e-mail, or I should say the three times a week WYNK e-mail comes out Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Don’t miss out on that. Subscribe to it there and then of course, a lot of other writings as well on that substack. A great hub for the activities of Ed Eagle, Ed Martin and the Pro America Report. Go on over there. ProAmericaReport. Dot com don’t miss out on a lot of the things happening there, but let let me dive in here.
We’ve got tons that has happened. We have nights two nights now of the Republican National Convention, which of course this during the days that each of these things, if you’re not familiar with it, there’s, you know, breakfasts and meetings and round tables and all sorts of stuff going on during the days. The main program then kicks up around, I think, 5:00 or 6:00 PM and runs through till 10:00 PM. Speaker after speaker after speaker. Some of them are very short. Some of them are politicians and big names. You know, some of them are folks you’ve never heard of, but powerful voices nonetheless.
And last night especially I I actually think it was very impactful. I know a lot of folks aren’t quite hot to trot on it. But I I think that there. There was some great stuff said on the stage and some very credible people.
But let me back up a night so so the the way that they typically work these the way it’s working this year. There is a theme each night and then the night is capped off with a particular speaker. But to all of them running on the same theme, going toward the same direction.
Monday night was make America wealthy again, talking about a lot of our Financial Policy jobs, the economy, focusing in on those issues.
Last night, Tuesday night you saw make America safe again. An incredible night talking about policy on immigration and law and order crime in the streets. The really rampant problem of prosecutors not doing their job, you know, all the prosecutors are focused on Donald Trump and the lawfare against Republicans, great anti deep state Sentiment. They’re not focused on actually getting criminals off the street and as a result, the streets have become a mess for American citizens, a dangerous nightmare in which many of our big cities now participate and live in each and every day there.
It’s been great unity in the message and and I don’t just mean unity toward the ticket, you know? Nikki Haley spoke last night. Ron DeSantis spoke last night. They actually both did a a very, very good job. I’m not a fan of Nikki Haley. I used to be a huge fan. I’m a big fan of Ron DeSantis as governor, although that really did start to have some problems with how his campaign Came out and ran and ran against Trump, ran away from some of the issues. I think I I I saw a lot of the same business as usual. I attribute that to his campaign consultants, but that I digress. That’s a that’s a different topic to get down into.
But looking across the message of what the Republican Convention has shown this week. I really do believe that it is showing the correct and positive side of what we call the big tent of the Republican Party. And let me clarify, you know, a couple of things.
First of all, the Republican Party, this is a political map. This is not our idea Factory for the convictions and values of America. This is not what we should look to the the political parties to define and determine our rock bottom fundamental values. I I look to the Bible for those. I hope that you do as well. I look toward our Historical record of great men and women of the Christian tradition in this nation who put forward those values into the public policy realm to see how they did it, how we ought to do it now.
But when it comes to winning elections, when it comes to bringing people together to vote the right way, we’re we’re a 2 party system. In America, always have been, and there’s always been other parties, but really we are typically a choice between two parties and I and I believe it was set that way on purpose.
I’m fine with that. I think it’s a good system. I don’t think that you’re going to remove corruption by moving to a multi party system. I see plenty of that across Europe and other places with multiple parties. And and in fact the problem is.
Not only is it corrupt, but then there’s never a majority. You always have a plurality that wins. And then there’s coalition building. It just it ends up being a mess and you never remove the corruption.
That element is a human problem, a sin problem.
But. In this two party system, the political machinery of a political party, the Republican Party and the Democrat Party are two primary parties right now. The political machinery of that party apparatus is not here to define our values. It is here to represent a group of people and be the machine, the mechanism, the tool. By which we coalesce together around general sets of ideas and win elections and go in a certain direction.
And in the past, our two primary parties in the last 100 years or so, the Democrats and the Republicans, you could look and see big government, little government, more liberal social things, more conservative social things. There have been two different versions of the same system, often in our mid, you know, not that long ago, but quite a while ago.
And now it seems. Electoral past, but for the last several decades. It has been forming as a new battle, a new choice. It’s not any longer between two different versions of America, two different versions of the same system we are seeing articulated a different version, a different system entirely.
Marxists, leftists, radical left wing lunatics have taken over the Democrat Party apparatus in the United States of America and what they are putting forward, what they’re enacting through the administrative state, what they are brainwashing people through all of the institutions of education and media and news and and entertainment, they are propagating a different version Of our nation, one that has the state as the supreme being. It is an antithetical belief system, an antithetical system to or it is antithetic To our Constitutional Republic, it does not work with our limited democracy here in America, they are describing statism, authoritarianism.
And as this divide has grown bigger, the big tent nature of the Republican Party has become more clear to me, and I really ought to believe, or I believe that. It ought to be. More open to all of us, we ought to understand where we are.
The Republican Convention this week has had some very odd names, folks, you don’t normally associate. Right, people who are not even conservative, Amber Rose was a speaker on Monday night. She’s a celebrity. That pretty much has a a very unsavory reputation. Those are the things salacious activity that’s gotten her as popular as she is. The Teamsters President spoke the, oh, my goodness, the. The giant apparatus of our labor unions in America is certainly no right wing Bastion. They’ve been a a left wing political machine for a long time, decades and decades, and yet voices like this, speaking at the Republican Party, I think this is very big and I think it’s very important and I think it’s very good. You know why?
Because it represents a huge, huge section of society that have been lied to, that have been brainwashed, that have been put through the institutions of the left, that the left has now controlled. And they literally don’t know any different for those people to have a wake up call and to suddenly say. Wait a minute. I’ve been lied to. Republicans aren’t nasty, racist, bigoted people. Donald Trump isn’t a hateful, vile man who looks like Hitler.
These people aren’t anything like what I have been told by teachers, by Hollywood, by news media. I’ve been lied to.
I do think that it’s time for Republicans to look and say, Nah, you don’t represent. What our party looks like, or the values that we want to espouse, I don’t want you to talk. No, I think that that’s a powerful story. Because I think that that gives us the opening we need for more people to look and say, wait a minute. I’ve been lied to as well.
Guess what? We want people to take that first step. I want that to be front and center in the Republican Party’s message this year because those are the folks who need to come into the fold and then we can bring them along to get them to understand and agree with and move to our positions that you and I both know are right. But if they never have that awakening moment and realize I’m being lied to and I got to get to a different place. If they don’t hear that. Then we’re never gonna get a hold of him to get the rest of it right.
I think that the RNC has been a great shining example of that this week and I’m really excited about it. I’m looking forward to the next two nights. I hope that you are too, and I hope that you’ll stick around here on the Pro America Report for more coverage of it. We’ll keep going the rest of the week. Don’t miss out.
We’ll be right back with the rest of our show and a couple of good guests here on the Pro America Report.